Truth in Millage (TRIM)

In 1980, the Florida Legislature passed the Truth in Millage (TRIM) Act. This law is designed to inform taxpayers which governmental entity is responsible for the taxes levied and the amount of tax liability taxpayers owe to each taxing authority. The property appraiser sends this information, known as the TRIM notice, to the property owner.

Truth in Millage establishes the statutory requirements that all taxing authorities levying a millage must follow, including all notices and budget hearing requirements. The TRIM requirements also provide for maximum millage levies for counties, municipalities, and independent special districts. These requirements are prescribed by chapter 200 of the Florida Statutes.

Property Tax Oversight provides the following resources to aid local officials in their duties as they administer the TRIM process.

Training for the TRIM ProcessBusinessman Pushing Video Player button
Interactive training player for Truth in Millage (TRIM)
Regular TRIM TrainingIn page navigation
Maximum MillageRed arrow around houses
Navigate to our Maximum Millage page for more information.
Maximum Millage Reports Web pageIn page navigation
School District TRIM TrainingApple on Books
Interactive training player for school district TRIM training page navigation
eTRIM Interactive DemonstrationHand pressing play
Interactive training player for the eTRIM process
eTrim Training PresentationIn page navigation

Truth in Millage Resources

Please view the documents below for informational resources.

Description Format
Regular TRIM Presentation PowerPoint presentation on regular TRIM
 Download Regular TRIM Presentation  (This link will open up in a new window)PPT (7.8 MB)
TRIM Hearing and Advertisement Selection Powerpoint Presentation on hearing information and advertisement selection  Download TRIM Hearing and Advertisement Selection Powerpoint (This link will open up in a new window)PPT (1.8 MB)
Taxing Authority Resources
TRIM Compliance Workbook for Regular Taxing Authorities Workbook - Regular Taxing Authorities  Download TRIM Compliance Workbook for Regular Taxing Authorities (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (16.2 MB)
TRIM Compliance User Guide for Regular and Multi-County Taxing Authorities User Guide - Regular and Multi-County Taxing Authorities  Download TRIM Compliance User Guide for Regular and Multi-County Taxing Authorities (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (43.4 MB)
TRIM Advertisement Flowchart - Regular Taxing Authorities Flowchart - Regular Taxing Authorities  Download TRIM Advertisement Flowchart - Regular Taxing Authorities (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (216 KB)
School District Resources
TRIM Compliance Workbook for School Districts Workbook - School Districts  Download TRIM Compliance Workbook for School Districts (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (7.5 MB)
User Guide for TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance User Guide - School Districts  Download User Guide for TRIM (Truth in Millage) Compliance (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (16.4 MB)
TRIM Advertisement Flowchart - School Districts Flowchart - School Districts  Download TRIM Advertisement Flowchart - School Districts (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (232 KB)
Electronic Truth in Millage (eTRIM)
Introduction to Electronic TRIM (eTRIM) eTRIM Presentation  Download Introduction to Electronic TRIM (eTRIM) (This link will open up in a new window)PPT (1.9 MB)
Electronic TRIM (eTRIM) User Guide User Guide  Download User Guide for the Electronic TRIM (eTRIM) (This link will open up in a new window)PDF (2.6 MB)