
Florida Proposed Rules

Rule Number:12B-5.400
Rule Title:Producers and Importers of Pollutants
Next Step:At the September 22, 2020, meeting, the Governor and Cabinet approved the publication of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and subsequent adoption of the proposed rules if the substance of the proposed rules [including materials incorporated by reference, if any] remained unchanged upon reaching the date applicable to filing for final adoption pursuant to s. 120.54(3)(e)2., F.S. No substantive changes were made to the rule and the Department filed the rule for certification with the Department of State on November 10, 2020. The rule went into effect on January 1, 2021.

Certified Final Language:January 01, 2021
Certification Package:November 10, 2020
JAPC Certification:November 10, 2020
Certification Letter to JAPC:November 03, 2020
Package Filed with JAPC:September 24, 2020
Notice of Proposed Rule:September 24, 2020 (Vol. 46, No. 187, pp. 3978-3982)
Cabinet Meeting for Hearing:September 22, 2020
Notice of Public Meeting - Cabinet for Hearing:September 15, 2020 (Vol. 46, No. 180, pp. 3793-3794)
Draft Rule Language:August 26, 2020
Notice of Rule Development:August 26, 2020 (Vol. 46, No. 167, pp. 3388-3389)

Purpose:    Sections 14 and 16, Chapter 2020-10, L.O.F., increased the maximum bond amount required for each terminal supplier, exporter, producer/importer of pollutants, or wholesaler, except a municipality, county, school board, state agency, federal agency, or special district which is licensed under Part I of Chapter 206, F.S., from $100,000 to $300,000 effective July 1, 2020. Section 15, Chapter 2020-10, L.O.F., amended the penalty amount assessed against any person who fails to provide or post the required notice regarding dyed diesel fuel pursuant to s. 206.8741, F.S. The purpose of the proposed amendments is to update Rules 12B-5.050, 12B-5.060, 12B-5.080, 12B-5.140, 12B-5.150, and 12B-5.400 to reflect these statutory changes.