
Florida Proposed Rules

Rule Number:12D-8.0064
Rule Title:Assessments; Correcting Errors in Assessments of a Homestead
Next Step: The Department did not receive a request for the December 9, 2020 workshop. Therefore, the workshop has been canceled. The Department will post further updates as they become available.

Workshop Information: December 9, 2020
Draft Rule Language: December 9, 2020
Notice of Rule Development: November 23, 2020 (Vol. 46, No. 228, pp. 5107)

Purpose:    The purpose of amending Rule 12D-8.0064(3)(d), F.A.C., is to update provisions, consistent with current statutes, for calculating unpaid property taxes, penalty, and interest when the homestead exemption and the three percent assessment increase limitation have been removed.