PART 1: HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                                   (Fiscal Year 1997)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        7,330,392   5,070,992  12,401,384            .            .    7,330,392    5,070,992   12,401,384
12 Baker            375,959     103,473     479,432      280,526       43,128      699,613      103,473      803,086
13*Bay            6,253,915   4,688,334  10,942,249            .            .    6,253,915    4,688,334   10,942,249
14 Bradford         655,613     229,708     885,321       92,073       92,304      839,990      229,708    1,069,698
15*Brevard       13,645,012  10,638,029  24,283,041            .            .   13,645,012   10,638,029   24,283,041
16*Broward       48,645,479  61,035,526 109,681,005            .            .   48,645,479   61,035,526  109,681,005
17 Calhoun          296,877      90,952     387,829       86,317       28,512      411,706       90,952      502,658
18*Charlotte      6,453,690     631,783   7,085,473            .            .    6,453,690      631,783    7,085,473
19*Citrus         3,979,834     421,781   4,401,615            .            .    3,979,834      421,781    4,401,615
20*Clay           5,369,719     761,990   6,131,709            .            .    5,369,719      761,990    6,131,709
21*Collier       17,850,391   2,110,113  19,960,504            .            .   17,850,391    2,110,113   19,960,504
22 Columbia       2,411,180     542,417   2,953,597            .            .    2,411,180      542,417    2,953,597
23*Dade          84,755,276  36,243,067 120,998,343            .            .   84,755,276   36,243,067  120,998,343
24 DeSoto           715,379     208,891     924,270      100,058            .      815,437      208,891    1,024,328
25 Dixie            202,650      42,763     245,413      183,811       26,952      413,413       42,763      456,176
26*Duval         52,381,281   3,094,349  55,475,630            .            .   52,381,281    3,094,349   55,475,630
27*Escambia      14,639,387   3,519,125  18,158,512            .            .   14,639,387    3,519,125   18,158,512
28 Flagler        1,214,148     230,491   1,444,639      113,955            .    1,328,103      230,491    1,558,594
29 Franklin         261,665     125,766     387,431       82,485            .      344,150      125,766      469,916
30 Gadsden          706,799     289,645     996,444      691,684            .    1,398,483      289,645    1,688,128
31 Gilchrist        170,832      30,895     201,727      216,296       21,576      408,704       30,895      439,599
32 Glades           111,908      21,760     133,668      194,937            .      306,845       21,760      328,605
33 Gulf             281,244     165,931     447,175      128,878       29,556      439,678      165,931      605,609
34 Hamilton         437,578     162,490     600,068            .            .      437,578      162,490      600,068
35 Hardee           541,254     193,492     734,746      165,938            .      707,192      193,492      900,684
36 Hendry           927,730     348,988   1,276,718      112,170            .    1,039,900      348,988    1,388,888
37*Hernando       4,019,105     274,222   4,293,327            .            .    4,019,105      274,222    4,293,327
38 Highlands      2,791,189     725,927   3,517,116            .            .    2,791,189      725,927    3,517,116
39*Hillsboroug   53,726,326  22,601,308  76,327,634            .            .   53,726,326   22,601,308   76,327,634
40 Holmes           287,977      78,325     366,302      266,090       31,681      585,748       78,325      664,073
41 Indian Rive    4,639,000   1,907,027   6,546,027            .            .    4,639,000    1,907,027    6,546,027
42 Jackson        1,331,314     543,455   1,874,769      170,842      128,520    1,630,676      543,455    2,174,131
43 Jefferson        216,976      53,660     270,636      178,022            .      394,998       53,660      448,658
44 Lafayette         66,027      12,020      78,047      118,875       24,528      209,430       12,020      221,450
45 Lake           5,763,447   3,083,757   8,847,204            .            .    5,763,447    3,083,757    8,847,204
46*Lee           21,180,652   9,300,479  30,481,131            .            .   21,180,652    9,300,479   30,481,131
47 Leon           8,350,981   6,630,137  14,981,118            .            .    8,350,981    6,630,137   14,981,118           
48 Levy             865,476     260,752   1,126,228      256,463            .    1,121,939      260,752    1,382,691
49 Liberty           95,629      18,751     114,380       80,331       32,556      208,516       18,751      227,267
50 Madison          299,600      92,607     392,207      272,161       35,424      607,185       92,607      699,792
51*Manatee       10,567,302   3,447,890  14,015,192            .            .   10,567,302    3,447,890   14,015,192
52 Marion        10,617,216   2,551,665  13,168,881            .            .   10,617,216    2,551,665   13,168,881
53 Martin         7,780,652   1,198,930   8,979,582            .            .    7,780,652    1,198,930    8,979,582
54*Monroe         7,154,808   2,715,524   9,870,332            .            .    7,154,808    2,715,524    9,870,332
55*Nassau         2,056,899     606,560   2,663,459            .            .    2,056,899      606,560    2,663,459
56*Okaloosa       7,518,495   3,683,314  11,201,809            .            .    7,518,495    3,683,314   11,201,809
57 Okeechobee     1,325,368     216,723   1,542,091            .            .    1,325,368      216,723    1,542,091
58*Orange        76,253,595  30,420,189 106,673,784            .            .   76,253,595   30,420,189  106,673,784
59*Osceola        7,751,928   3,457,019  11,208,947            .            .    7,751,928    3,457,019   11,208,947
60*Palm Beach    48,142,971  32,315,733  80,458,704            .            .   48,142,971   32,315,733   80,458,704
61 Pasco         11,675,027   1,322,741  12,997,768            .            .   11,675,027    1,322,741   12,997,768
62*Pinellas      29,591,245  26,641,443  56,232,688            .            .   29,591,245   26,641,443   56,232,688
63*Polk          18,326,758   8,196,215  26,522,973            .            .   18,326,758    8,196,215   26,522,973
64 Putnam         2,028,612     483,874   2,512,486            .            .    2,028,612      483,874    2,512,486
65*St. Johns      5,351,096     971,892   6,322,988            .            .    5,351,096      971,892    6,322,988
66*St. Lucie      4,352,004   3,530,690   7,882,694            .            .    4,352,004    3,530,690    7,882,694
67*Santa Rosa     2,706,317     420,348   3,126,665            .            .    2,706,317      420,348    3,126,665
68*Sarasota      17,117,868   5,577,928  22,695,796            .            .   17,117,868    5,577,928   22,695,796
69*Seminole      15,135,970   9,079,698  24,215,668            .            .   15,135,970    9,079,698   24,215,668
70 Sumter           925,298     248,797   1,174,095      398,856            .    1,324,154      248,797    1,572,951
71 Suwannee         885,105     227,310   1,112,415      219,815            .    1,104,920      227,310    1,332,230
72 Taylor           632,878     299,852     932,730            .            .      632,878      299,852      932,730
73 Union            158,367      51,576     209,943      138,832       98,208      395,407       51,576      446,983
74*Volusia       11,784,666  11,502,762  23,287,428            .            .   11,784,666   11,502,762   23,287,428
75 Wakulla          372,253      15,279     387,532      232,813            .      605,066       15,279      620,345
76*Walton         2,009,806     465,769   2,475,575            .            .    2,009,806      465,769    2,475,575
77 Washington       372,990     139,828     512,818      250,410            .      623,400      139,828      763,228
   STATE TOTAL  676,844,385 326,374,727  1003219112    5,032,638      592,945  682,469,968  326,374,7271,008,844,695

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