PART 1: HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                                   (Fiscal Year 1995)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        6,611,428   4,546,943  11,158,371            .            .    6,611,428    4,546,943   11,158,371
12 Baker            326,177      91,131     417,308      257,035       42,960      626,172       91,131      717,303
13*Bay            5,654,282   4,227,999   9,882,281            .            .    5,654,282    4,227,999    9,882,281
14 Bradford         556,081     198,975     755,056      135,345       80,736      772,162      198,975      971,137
15*Brevard       12,607,192   9,902,394  22,509,586            .            .   12,607,192    9,902,394   22,509,586
16*Broward       45,379,784  54,970,624 100,350,408            .            .   45,379,784   54,970,624  100,350,408
17 Calhoun          229,689      68,572     298,261      131,804            .      361,493       68,572      430,065
18*Charlotte      5,853,690     591,341   6,445,031            .            .    5,853,690      591,341    6,445,031
19*Citrus         3,573,165     386,339   3,959,504            .            .    3,573,165      386,339    3,959,504
20*Clay           4,764,899     702,200   5,467,099            .            .    4,764,899      702,200    5,467,099
21*Collier       14,539,462   1,777,536  16,316,998            .            .   14,539,462    1,777,536   16,316,998
22 Columbia       2,062,080     482,527   2,544,607            .            .    2,062,080      482,527    2,544,607
23*Dade          79,121,953  44,317,322 123,439,275            .            .   79,121,953   44,317,322  123,439,275
24 DeSoto           642,332     194,816     837,148      134,687            .      777,019      194,816      971,835
25 Dixie            179,567      41,593     221,160      147,995       26,712      354,274       41,593      395,867
26*Duval         47,785,852   2,809,569  50,595,421            .            .   47,785,852    2,809,569   50,595,421
27*Escambia      12,839,137   3,175,370  16,014,507            .            .   12,839,137    3,175,370   16,014,507
28 Flagler        1,086,580     220,404   1,306,984       78,763            .    1,165,343      220,404    1,385,747
29 Franklin         241,335     116,780     358,115       82,778            .      324,113      116,780      440,893
30 Gadsden          723,423     311,987   1,035,410      623,433            .    1,346,856      311,987    1,658,843
31 Gilchrist        140,643      27,785     168,428      179,542       18,528      338,713       27,785      366,498
32 Glades            82,713      16,433      99,146      178,268            .      260,981       16,433      277,414
33 Gulf             272,173     175,024     447,197      146,297            .      418,470      175,024      593,494
34 Hamilton         378,343     141,596     519,939       40,022       23,256      441,621      141,596      583,217
35 Hardee           603,224     213,484     816,708      204,891            .      808,115      213,484    1,021,599
36 Hendry           770,403     292,131   1,062,534      120,905            .      891,308      292,131    1,183,439
37*Hernando       3,510,747     247,435   3,758,182            .            .    3,510,747      247,435    3,758,182
38 Highlands      2,629,977     723,060   3,353,037            .            .    2,629,977      723,060    3,353,037
39*Hillsboroug   47,524,049  20,349,864  67,873,913            .            .   47,524,049   20,349,864   67,873,913
40 Holmes           301,344      81,576     382,920      255,582            .      556,926       81,576      638,502
41 Indian Rive    3,761,704   1,536,414   5,298,118            .            .    3,761,704    1,536,414    5,298,118
42 Jackson        1,236,103     490,773   1,726,876       71,904            .    1,308,007      490,773    1,798,780
43 Jefferson        212,995      50,697     263,692      178,167            .      391,162       50,697      441,859
44 Lafayette         54,792      10,703      65,495      104,347       13,644      172,783       10,703      183,486
45 Lake           5,180,536   2,805,864   7,986,400            .            .    5,180,536    2,805,864    7,986,400
46*Lee           19,154,598   8,071,924  27,226,522            .            .   19,154,598    8,071,924   27,226,522
47 Leon           7,600,962   6,155,161  13,756,123            .            .    7,600,962    6,155,161   13,756,123
48 Levy             661,776     212,133     873,909      231,674            .      893,450      212,133    1,105,583
49 Liberty           78,067      16,439      94,506       82,081       20,232      180,380       16,439      196,819
50 Madison          247,821     100,441     348,262      249,123            .      496,944      100,441      597,385
51*Manatee        9,541,895   3,182,550  12,724,445            .            .    9,541,895    3,182,550   12,724,445
52 Marion         9,631,432   2,405,787  12,037,219            .            .    9,631,432    2,405,787   12,037,219
53 Martin         7,129,082   1,100,876   8,229,958            .            .    7,129,082    1,100,876    8,229,958
54*Monroe         5,974,933   2,248,755   8,223,688            .            .    5,974,933    2,248,755    8,223,688
55*Nassau         1,850,458     545,401   2,395,859            .            .    1,850,458      545,401    2,395,859
56*Okaloosa       6,531,025   3,202,609   9,733,634            .            .    6,531,025    3,202,609    9,733,634
57 Okeechobee     1,159,374     192,786   1,352,160            .            .    1,159,374      192,786    1,352,160
58*Orange        62,277,083  25,465,482  87,742,565            .            .   62,277,083   25,465,482   87,742,565
59*Osceola        6,570,029   2,846,198   9,416,227            .            .    6,570,029    2,846,198    9,416,227
60*Palm Beach    42,743,987  27,221,588  69,965,575            .            .   42,743,987   27,221,588   69,965,575
61 Pasco         10,102,398   1,175,312  11,277,710            .            .   10,102,398    1,175,312   11,277,710
62*Pinellas      26,973,845  24,378,542  51,352,387            .            .   26,973,845   24,378,542   51,352,387
63*Polk          16,993,558   7,692,356  24,685,914            .            .   16,993,558    7,692,356   24,685,914
64 Putnam         1,982,462     471,994   2,454,456            .            .    1,982,462      471,994    2,454,456
65*St. Johns      4,751,884     901,459   5,653,343            .            .    4,751,884      901,459    5,653,343
66*St. Lucie      4,191,664   3,367,464   7,559,128            .            .    4,191,664    3,367,464    7,559,128
67*Santa Rosa     2,400,602     391,596   2,792,198            .            .    2,400,602      391,596    2,792,198
68*Sarasota      14,866,067   4,878,154  19,744,221            .            .   14,866,067    4,878,154   19,744,221
69*Seminole      12,492,146   7,392,076  19,884,222            .            .   12,492,146    7,392,076   19,884,222
70 Sumter           850,314     238,945   1,089,259      197,627            .    1,047,941      238,945    1,286,886
71 Suwannee         784,401     214,859     999,260      172,305            .      956,706      214,859    1,171,565
72 Taylor           635,543     305,461     941,004            .            .      635,543      305,461      941,004
73 Union            138,531      47,510     186,041      139,242       88,536      366,309       47,510      413,819
74*Volusia       12,114,360   8,996,930  21,111,290            .            .   12,114,360    8,996,930   21,111,290
75 Wakulla          286,662      13,356     300,018      190,686            .      477,348       13,356      490,704
76*Walton         1,581,513     385,262   1,966,775            .            .    1,581,513      385,262    1,966,775
77 Washington       317,523     122,334     439,857      316,938            .      634,461      122,334      756,795
   STATE TOTAL  604,053,849 300,239,001 904,292,850    4,651,441      314,604  609,019,894  300,239,001  909,258,895

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