VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: SEPTEMBER, 1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: December 8, 1999

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 9/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------      
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          689,968     468,463   1,158,431            .            .      689,968      468,463    1,158,431
12 Baker             31,229       8,305      39,534       23,101            .       54,330        8,305       62,635
13*Bay              668,836     496,726   1,165,562            .            .      668,836      496,726    1,165,562
14 Bradford          56,028      18,629      74,657        6,516        7,641       70,185       18,629       88,814
15*Brevard        1,039,391     802,908   1,842,299            .            .    1,039,391      802,908    1,842,299
16*Broward        4,220,462   5,538,166   9,758,628            .            .    4,220,462    5,538,166    9,758,628
17 Calhoun           21,996       6,069      28,065       14,337        2,284       38,617        6,069       44,686
18*Charlotte        540,228      53,492     593,720            .            .      540,228       53,492      593,720
19*Citrus           365,081      37,833     402,914            .            .      365,081       37,833      402,914
20*Clay             503,208      65,295     568,503            .            .      503,208       65,295      568,503
21*Collier        1,472,870     251,663   1,724,533            .            .    1,472,870      251,663    1,724,533
22 Columbia         225,217      46,985     272,202            .            .      225,217       46,985      272,202
23*Dade           7,731,935   4,437,230  12,169,165            .            .    7,731,935    4,437,230   12,169,165
24 DeSoto            64,362      17,267      81,629        8,833            .       73,195       17,267       90,462
25 Dixie             16,701       3,283      19,984       18,311            .       35,012        3,283       38,295
26*Duval          5,069,986     296,604   5,366,590            .            .    5,069,986      296,604    5,366,590
27*Escambia       1,338,380     308,558   1,646,938            .            .    1,338,380      308,558    1,646,938
28 Flagler          126,918      20,840     147,758       13,542            .      140,460       20,840      161,300
29 Franklin          33,163      15,523      48,686        5,477            .       38,640       15,523       54,163
30 Gadsden           78,749      28,640     107,389       75,016            .      153,765       28,640      182,405
31 Gilchrist         15,010       2,446      17,456       21,397            .       36,407        2,446       38,853
32 Glades             6,856       1,255       8,111       18,565        1,502       26,923        1,255       28,178
33 Gulf              57,799      31,951      89,750       16,683        2,526       77,008       31,951      108,959
34 Hamilton          35,098      11,743      46,841            .        3,235       38,333       11,743       50,076
35 Hardee            46,711      16,157      62,868       15,586            .       62,297       16,157       78,454
36 Hendry            94,625      34,538     129,163            .            .       94,625       34,538      129,163
37*Hernando         365,458      23,570     389,028            .            .      365,458       23,570      389,028
38 Highlands        220,835      55,029     275,864            .            .      220,835       55,029      275,864
39*Hillsboroug    5,276,480   2,173,388   7,449,868            .            .    5,276,480    2,173,388    7,449,868
40 Holmes            28,021       7,632      35,653       24,392            .       52,413        7,632       60,045
41 Indian Rive      415,827     169,772     585,599            .            .      415,827      169,772      585,599
42 Jackson          123,915      50,224     174,139       23,670        9,638      157,223       50,224      207,447
43 Jefferson         29,482       6,974      36,456       16,157            .       45,639        6,974       52,613
44 Lafayette          6,378       1,084       7,462       11,407        1,820       19,605        1,084       20,689
45 Lake             573,093     296,923     870,016            .            .      573,093      296,923      870,016
46*Lee            1,923,858     826,092   2,749,950            .            .    1,923,858      826,092    2,749,950
47*Leon             790,758     608,124   1,398,882            .            .      790,758      608,124    1,398,882
48 Levy              79,793      22,503     102,296       12,968            .       92,761       22,503      115,264
49 Liberty            9,154       1,736      10,890       10,742        2,566       22,462        1,736       24,198
50 Madison           25,177       7,261      32,438       26,948            .       52,125        7,261       59,386
51*Manatee          906,517     281,833   1,188,350            .            .      906,517      281,833    1,188,350
52 Marion         1,038,848     237,262   1,276,110            .            .    1,038,848      237,262    1,276,110
53 Martin           693,984     106,364     800,348            .            .      693,984      106,364      800,348
54*Monroe           581,632     288,502     870,134            .            .      581,632      288,502      870,134
55*Nassau           191,915      54,686     246,601            .            .      191,915       54,686      246,601
56*Okaloosa         783,484     375,031   1,158,515            .            .      783,484      375,031    1,158,515
57 Okeechobee       102,318      16,224     118,542            .            .      102,318       16,224      118,542
58*Orange         7,483,148   2,917,305  10,400,453            .            .    7,483,148    2,917,305   10,400,453
59*Osceola          796,335     347,200   1,143,535            .            .      796,335      347,200    1,143,535
60*Palm Beach     4,155,443   2,772,409   6,927,852            .            .    4,155,443    2,772,409    6,927,852
61 Pasco          1,060,507     117,187   1,177,694            .            .    1,060,507      117,187    1,177,694
62*Pinellas       2,670,872   2,389,391   5,060,263            .            .    2,670,872    2,389,391    5,060,263
63*Polk           1,677,707     732,044   2,409,751            .            .    1,677,707      732,044    2,409,751
64 Putnam           169,076      39,318     208,394            .            .      169,076       39,318      208,394
65*St. Johns        547,257      90,723     637,980            .            .      547,257       90,723      637,980
66*St. Lucie        370,017     307,692     677,709            .            .      370,017      307,692      677,709
67*Santa Rosa       263,844      37,442     301,286            .            .      263,844       37,442      301,286
68*Sarasota       1,533,625     497,333   2,030,958            .            .    1,533,625      497,333    2,030,958
69*Seminole       1,501,572     910,864   2,412,436            .            .    1,501,572      910,864    2,412,436
70 Sumter            97,591      21,953     119,544       40,371       10,366      148,328       21,953      170,281
71 Suwannee          89,548      20,675     110,223       17,733            .      107,281       20,675      127,956
72 Taylor            58,364      26,246      84,610            .            .       58,364       26,246       84,610
73 Union             14,159       4,041      18,200       13,501        7,836       35,496        4,041       39,537
74*Volusia        1,112,459   1,112,353   2,224,812            .            .    1,112,459    1,112,353    2,224,812
75 Wakulla           38,454       1,547      40,001       19,742            .       58,196        1,547       59,743
76*Walton           260,517      55,209     315,726            .            .      260,517       55,209      315,726
77 Washington        40,489      13,167      53,656       24,430            .       64,919       13,167       78,086
   STATE TOTAL   62,658,718  31,044,882  93,703,600      479,425       49,414   63,187,557   31,044,882   94,232,439

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