VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: SEPTEMBER, 1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: December 9, 1998

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 9/98)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          661,201     453,093   1,114,294            .            .      661,201      453,093    1,114,294
12 Baker             38,138      10,161      48,299       20,301        3,012       61,451       10,161       71,612
13*Bay              635,240     472,582   1,107,822            .            .      635,240      472,582    1,107,822
14 Bradford          50,996      17,203      68,199        8,400        6,364       65,760       17,203       82,963
15*Brevard        1,238,287     956,411   2,194,698            .            .    1,238,287      956,411    2,194,698
16*Broward        4,049,269   5,271,163   9,320,432            .            .    4,049,269    5,271,163    9,320,432
17 Calhoun           21,800       6,304      28,104       13,813        2,003       37,616        6,304       43,920
18*Charlotte        510,172      50,557     560,729            .            .      510,172       50,557      560,729
19*Citrus           367,130      37,711     404,841            .            .      367,130       37,711      404,841
20*Clay             473,508      63,854     537,362            .            .      473,508       63,854      537,362
21*Collier        1,272,584     226,246   1,498,830            .            .    1,272,584      226,246    1,498,830
22 Columbia         203,295      43,392     246,687            .            .      203,295       43,392      246,687
23*Dade           7,450,418   4,304,675  11,755,093            .            .    7,450,418    4,304,675   11,755,093
24 DeSoto            59,129      16,677      75,806        9,910            .       69,039       16,677       85,716
25 Dixie             17,105       3,475      20,580       16,028        1,696       34,829        3,475       38,304
26*Duval          4,701,508     276,718   4,978,226            .            .    4,701,508      276,718    4,978,226
27*Escambia       1,328,302     309,101   1,637,403            .            .    1,328,302      309,101    1,637,403
28 Flagler          109,812      18,737     128,549       10,889            .      120,701       18,737      139,438
29 Franklin          31,004      14,595      45,599        5,692            .       36,696       14,595       51,291
30 Gadsden           68,189      25,221      93,410       66,498            .      134,687       25,221      159,908
31 Gilchrist         16,516       2,765      19,281       18,919            .       35,435        2,765       38,200
32 Glades             7,640       1,420       9,060       16,995        1,281       25,916        1,420       27,336
33 Gulf              23,213      12,996      36,209       15,131        2,050       40,394       12,996       53,390
34 Hamilton          32,952      11,148      44,100            .        2,377       35,329       11,148       46,477
35 Hardee            41,844      14,609      56,453       15,857            .       57,701       14,609       72,310
36 Hendry            76,486      28,174     104,660            .            .       76,486       28,174      104,660
37*Hernando         355,300      23,271     378,571            .            .      355,300       23,271      378,571
38 Highlands        219,139      55,070     274,209            .            .      219,139       55,070      274,209
39*Hillsboroug    4,933,392   2,040,325   6,973,717            .            .    4,933,392    2,040,325    6,973,717
40 Holmes            23,354       6,429      29,783       22,116        2,225       47,695        6,429       54,124
41 Indian Rive      390,337     159,134     549,471            .            .      390,337      159,134      549,471
42 Jackson          103,558      42,267     145,825       23,555        7,702      134,815       42,267      177,082
43 Jefferson         25,971       6,220      32,191       16,452            .       42,423        6,220       48,643
44 Lafayette          6,361       1,074       7,435       10,846        1,594       18,801        1,074       19,875
45 Lake             504,677     263,338     768,015            .            .      504,677      263,338      768,015
46*Lee            1,722,522     742,401   2,464,923            .            .    1,722,522      742,401    2,464,923
47*Leon             736,352     570,653   1,307,005            .            .      736,352      570,653    1,307,005
48 Levy              78,022      22,395     100,417       12,614            .       90,636       22,395      113,031
49 Liberty            7,944       1,578       9,522        8,966        2,443       19,353        1,578       20,931
50 Madison           27,146       7,999      35,145       24,395        2,374       53,915        7,999       61,914
51*Manatee          861,814     273,596   1,135,410            .            .      861,814      273,596    1,135,410
52 Marion           994,625     226,632   1,221,257            .            .      994,625      226,632    1,221,257
53 Martin           637,806      96,845     734,651            .            .      637,806       96,845      734,651
54*Monroe           519,544     256,417     775,961            .            .      519,544      256,417      775,961
55*Nassau           185,749      54,093     239,842            .            .      185,749       54,093      239,842
56*Okaloosa         750,162     361,563   1,111,725            .            .      750,162      361,563    1,111,725
57 Okeechobee       101,810      16,249     118,059            .            .      101,810       16,249      118,059
58*Orange         6,969,229   2,722,158   9,691,387            .            .    6,969,229    2,722,158    9,691,387
59*Osceola          743,948     332,155   1,076,103            .            .      743,948      332,155    1,076,103
60*Palm Beach     4,031,974   2,690,220   6,722,194            .            .    4,031,974    2,690,220    6,722,194
61 Pasco            994,980     111,086   1,106,066            .            .      994,980      111,086    1,106,066
62*Pinellas       2,513,933   2,253,349   4,767,282            .            .    2,513,933    2,253,349    4,767,282
63*Polk           1,572,358     693,367   2,265,725            .            .    1,572,358      693,367    2,265,725
64 Putnam           176,634      41,638     218,272            .            .      176,634       41,638      218,272
65*St. Johns        496,004      84,650     580,654            .            .      496,004       84,650      580,654
66*St. Lucie        356,675     296,747     653,422            .            .      356,675      296,747      653,422
67*Santa Rosa       255,715      37,647     293,362            .            .      255,715       37,647      293,362
68*Sarasota       1,432,916     464,010   1,896,926            .            .    1,432,916      464,010    1,896,926
69*Seminole       1,400,068     842,747   2,242,815            .            .    1,400,068      842,747    2,242,815
70 Sumter            84,944      20,472     105,416       29,157        7,852      121,953       20,472      142,425
71 Suwannee          79,719      18,689      98,408       18,490            .       98,209       18,689      116,898
72 Taylor            57,444      26,317      83,761            .            .       57,444       26,317       83,761
73 Union             14,445       4,250      18,695       13,149        6,439       34,033        4,250       38,283
74*Volusia          988,919     983,388   1,972,307            .            .      988,919      983,388    1,972,307
75 Wakulla           35,003       1,402      36,405       18,157            .       53,160        1,402       54,562
76*Walton           231,505      51,095     282,600            .            .      231,505       51,095      282,600
77 Washington        35,990      12,281      48,271       20,663            .       56,653       12,281       68,934
   STATE TOTAL   59,143,726  29,564,205  88,707,931      436,993       49,412   59,630,131   29,564,205   89,194,336

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