VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: AUGUST,    1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: November 4, 1999
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                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 8/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          684,057     468,755   1,152,812            .            .      684,057      468,755    1,152,812
12 Baker             40,071      10,675      50,746       23,791            .       63,862       10,675       74,537
13*Bay              764,965     569,089   1,334,054            .            .      764,965      569,089    1,334,054
14 Bradford          59,864      20,194      80,058        7,272        7,641       74,777       20,194       94,971
15*Brevard        1,350,541   1,043,112   2,393,653            .            .    1,350,541    1,043,112    2,393,653
16*Broward        4,473,600   5,823,538  10,297,138            .            .    4,473,600    5,823,538   10,297,138
17 Calhoun           23,610       6,828      30,438       14,773        2,284       40,667        6,828       47,495
18*Charlotte        574,699      56,951     631,650            .            .      574,699       56,951      631,650
19*Citrus           378,598      38,889     417,487            .            .      378,598       38,889      417,487
20*Clay             543,010      73,226     616,236            .            .      543,010       73,226      616,236
21*Collier        1,468,685     261,109   1,729,794            .            .    1,468,685      261,109    1,729,794
22 Columbia         238,771      50,964     289,735            .            .      238,771       50,964      289,735
23*Dade           7,866,302   4,544,963  12,411,265            .            .    7,866,302    4,544,963   12,411,265
24 DeSoto            61,099      17,233      78,332        9,751            .       70,850       17,233       88,083
25 Dixie             28,168       5,723      33,891       18,743            .       46,911        5,723       52,634
26*Duval          5,390,784     317,287   5,708,071            .            .    5,390,784      317,287    5,708,071
27*Escambia       1,399,552     325,682   1,725,234            .            .    1,399,552      325,682    1,725,234
28 Flagler          140,545      23,981     164,526       15,065            .      155,610       23,981      179,591
29 Franklin          40,438      19,036      59,474        5,847            .       46,285       19,036       65,321
30 Gadsden           78,871      29,172     108,043       76,711            .      155,582       29,172      184,754
31 Gilchrist         17,430       2,918      20,348       21,827            .       39,257        2,918       42,175
32 Glades             6,267       1,165       7,432       18,885        1,502       26,654        1,165       27,819
33 Gulf              25,010      14,002      39,012       17,139        2,526       44,675       14,002       58,677
34 Hamilton          36,864      12,472      49,336            .        3,235       40,099       12,472       52,571
35 Hardee            42,290      14,765      57,055       16,333            .       58,623       14,765       73,388
36 Hendry            88,983      32,777     121,760            .            .       88,983       32,777      121,760
37*Hernando         382,388      25,045     407,433            .            .      382,388       25,045      407,433
38 Highlands        237,758      59,749     297,507            .            .      237,758       59,749      297,507
39*Hillsboroug    5,270,696   2,179,825   7,450,521            .            .    5,270,696    2,179,825    7,450,521
40 Holmes            28,645       7,885      36,530       24,979            .       53,624        7,885       61,509
41 Indian Rive      434,907     177,304     612,211            .            .      434,907      177,304      612,211
42 Jackson          106,200      43,345     149,545       25,243        9,638      141,081       43,345      184,426
43 Jefferson         30,361       7,271      37,632       16,623            .       46,984        7,271       54,255
44 Lafayette          8,200       1,385       9,585       11,621        1,820       21,641        1,385       23,026
45 Lake             564,977     294,802     859,779            .            .      564,977      294,802      859,779
46*Lee            1,974,364     850,944   2,825,308            .            .    1,974,364      850,944    2,825,308
47*Leon             759,849     588,863   1,348,712            .            .      759,849      588,863    1,348,712
48 Levy              91,769      26,341     118,110       14,097            .      105,866       26,341      132,207
49 Liberty            7,669       1,523       9,192       10,967        2,566       21,202        1,523       22,725
50 Madison           28,463       8,387      36,850       27,577            .       56,040        8,387       64,427
51*Manatee          936,920     297,439   1,234,359            .            .      936,920      297,439    1,234,359
52 Marion           985,912     224,647   1,210,559            .            .      985,912      224,647    1,210,559
53 Martin           708,053     107,512     815,565            .            .      708,053      107,512      815,565
54*Monroe           580,105     286,306     866,411            .            .      580,105      286,306      866,411
55*Nassau           226,348      65,916     292,264            .            .      226,348       65,916      292,264
56*Okaloosa         904,213     435,813   1,340,026            .            .      904,213      435,813    1,340,026
57 Okeechobee       118,419      18,900     137,319            .            .      118,419       18,900      137,319
58*Orange         7,987,244   3,119,792  11,107,036            .            .    7,987,244    3,119,792   11,107,036
59*Osceola          851,249     380,063   1,231,312            .            .      851,249      380,063    1,231,312
60*Palm Beach     4,212,758   2,810,843   7,023,601            .            .    4,212,758    2,810,843    7,023,601
61 Pasco          1,108,540     123,765   1,232,305            .            .    1,108,540      123,765    1,232,305
62*Pinellas       2,694,204   2,414,934   5,109,138            .            .    2,694,204    2,414,934    5,109,138
63*Polk           1,717,520     757,380   2,474,900            .            .    1,717,520      757,380    2,474,900
64 Putnam           196,576      46,339     242,915            .            .      196,576       46,339      242,915
65*St. Johns        596,172     101,745     697,917            .            .      596,172      101,745      697,917
66*St. Lucie        391,497     325,718     717,215            .            .      391,497      325,718      717,215
67*Santa Rosa       287,289      42,295     329,584            .            .      287,289       42,295      329,584
68*Sarasota       1,515,424     490,728   2,006,152            .            .    1,515,424      490,728    2,006,152
69*Seminole       1,506,253     906,663   2,412,916            .            .    1,506,253      906,663    2,412,916
70 Sumter            91,950      22,161     114,111       41,870       10,366      144,186       22,161      166,347
71 Suwannee          96,562      22,637     119,199       18,916            .      115,478       22,637      138,115
72 Taylor            53,164      24,356      77,520            .            .       53,164       24,356       77,520
73 Union             16,717       4,918      21,635       13,836        7,836       38,389        4,918       43,307
74*Volusia        1,188,747   1,182,099   2,370,846            .            .    1,188,747    1,182,099    2,370,846
75 Wakulla           39,819       1,595      41,414       20,415            .       60,234        1,595       61,829
76*Walton           343,641      75,844     419,485            .            .      343,641       75,844      419,485
77 Washington        39,016      13,314      52,330       25,133            .       64,149       13,314       77,463
   STATE TOTAL   65,143,632  32,360,897  97,504,529      497,414       49,414   65,690,460   32,360,897   98,051,357

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