VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JULY, 1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: October 1, 1999

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 7/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------     
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          695,657     476,704   1,172,361            .            .      695,657      476,704    1,172,361
12 Baker             39,263      10,460      49,723       24,566            .       63,829       10,460       74,289
13*Bay              757,204     563,316   1,320,520            .            .      757,204      563,316    1,320,520
14 Bradford          59,251      19,987      79,238        8,121        7,641       75,013       19,987       95,000
15*Brevard        1,368,487   1,056,974   2,425,461            .            .    1,368,487    1,056,974    2,425,461
16*Broward        4,592,153   5,977,866  10,570,019            .            .    4,592,153    5,977,866   10,570,019
17 Calhoun           23,633       6,835      30,468       15,262        2,284       41,179        6,835       48,014
18*Charlotte        585,417      58,013     643,430            .            .      585,417       58,013      643,430
19*Citrus           426,936      43,854     470,790            .            .      426,936       43,854      470,790
20*Clay             558,909      75,370     634,279            .            .      558,909       75,370      634,279
21*Collier        1,620,372     288,077   1,908,449            .            .    1,620,372      288,077    1,908,449
22 Columbia         236,959      50,577     287,536            .            .      236,959       50,577      287,536
23*Dade           8,010,397   4,628,218  12,638,615            .            .    8,010,397    4,628,218   12,638,615
24 DeSoto            76,104      21,465      97,569       10,784            .       86,888       21,465      108,353
25 Dixie             20,758       4,217      24,975       19,229            .       39,987        4,217       44,204
26*Duval          5,412,231     318,549   5,730,780            .            .    5,412,231      318,549    5,730,780
27*Escambia       1,485,110     345,591   1,830,701            .            .    1,485,110      345,591    1,830,701
28 Flagler          135,754      23,164     158,918       16,776            .      152,530       23,164      175,694
29 Franklin          40,626      19,124      59,750        6,262            .       46,888       19,124       66,012
30 Gadsden           79,092      29,253     108,345       78,616            .      157,708       29,253      186,961
31 Gilchrist         18,004       3,014      21,018       22,311            .       40,315        3,014       43,329
32 Glades             8,117       1,508       9,625       19,245        1,502       28,864        1,508       30,372
33 Gulf              25,032      14,015      39,047       17,651        2,526       45,209       14,015       59,224
34 Hamilton          40,766      13,792      54,558            .        3,235       44,001       13,792       57,793
35 Hardee            51,629      18,025      69,654       17,173            .       68,802       18,025       86,827
36 Hendry            93,381      34,397     127,778            .            .       93,381       34,397      127,778
37*Hernando         399,824      26,187     426,011            .            .      399,824       26,187      426,011
38 Highlands        261,605      65,741     327,346            .            .      261,605       65,741      327,346
39*Hillsboroug    5,619,084   2,323,909   7,942,993            .            .    5,619,084    2,323,909    7,942,993
40 Holmes            26,741       7,361      34,102       25,639            .       52,380        7,361       59,741
41 Indian Rive      455,752     185,802     641,554            .            .      455,752      185,802      641,554
42 Jackson          124,863      50,963     175,826       27,011        9,638      161,512       50,963      212,475
43 Jefferson         37,105       8,887      45,992       17,147            .       54,252        8,887       63,139
44 Lafayette          8,804       1,487      10,291       11,861        1,820       22,485        1,487       23,972
45 Lake             646,431     337,305     983,736            .            .      646,431      337,305      983,736
46*Lee            2,077,340     895,327   2,972,667            .            .    2,077,340      895,327    2,972,667
47*Leon             827,136     641,009   1,468,145            .            .      827,136      641,009    1,468,145
48 Levy             102,145      29,320     131,465       15,367            .      117,512       29,320      146,832
49 Liberty           10,746       2,135      12,881       11,221        2,566       24,533        2,135       26,668
50 Madison           34,030      10,027      44,057       28,283            .       62,313       10,027       72,340
51*Manatee          990,945     314,590   1,305,535            .            .      990,945      314,590    1,305,535
52 Marion         1,145,753     261,067   1,406,820            .            .    1,145,753      261,067    1,406,820
53 Martin           788,622     119,745     908,367            .            .      788,622      119,745      908,367
54*Monroe           603,084     297,647     900,731            .            .      603,084      297,647      900,731
55*Nassau           252,625      73,568     326,193            .            .      252,625       73,568      326,193
56*Okaloosa         939,714     452,923   1,392,637            .            .      939,714      452,923    1,392,637
57 Okeechobee       119,761      19,114     138,875            .            .      119,761       19,114      138,875
58*Orange         8,960,599   3,499,981  12,460,580            .            .    8,960,599    3,499,981   12,460,580
59*Osceola          899,348     401,538   1,300,886            .            .      899,348      401,538    1,300,886
60*Palm Beach     4,429,001   2,955,125   7,384,126            .            .    4,429,001    2,955,125    7,384,126
61 Pasco          1,094,954     122,248   1,217,202            .            .    1,094,954      122,248    1,217,202
62*Pinellas       2,918,382   2,615,875   5,534,257            .            .    2,918,382    2,615,875    5,534,257
63*Polk           1,768,378     779,807   2,548,185            .            .    1,768,378      779,807    2,548,185
64 Putnam           193,714      45,664     239,378            .            .      193,714       45,664      239,378
65*St. Johns        627,911     107,162     735,073            .            .      627,911      107,162      735,073
66*St. Lucie        399,048     332,001     731,049            .            .      399,048      332,001      731,049
67*Santa Rosa       296,477      43,647     340,124            .            .      296,477       43,647      340,124
68*Sarasota       1,637,522     530,265   2,167,787            .            .    1,637,522      530,265    2,167,787
69*Seminole       1,675,013   1,008,246   2,683,259            .            .    1,675,013    1,008,246    2,683,259
70 Sumter            95,687      23,061     118,748       43,554       10,366      149,607       23,061      172,668
71 Suwannee         101,211      23,727     124,938       20,245            .      121,456       23,727      145,183
72 Taylor            57,737      26,451      84,188            .            .       57,737       26,451       84,188
73 Union             16,836       4,953      21,789       14,213        7,836       38,885        4,953       43,838
74*Volusia        1,154,764   1,148,306   2,303,070            .            .    1,154,764    1,148,306    2,303,070
75 Wakulla           49,758       1,993      51,751       21,173            .       70,931        1,993       72,924
76*Walton           342,221      75,531     417,752            .            .      342,221       75,531      417,752
77 Washington        39,333      13,422      52,755       25,923            .       65,256       13,422       78,678
   STATE TOTAL   68,691,246  33,985,482 102,676,728      517,633       49,414   69,258,293   33,985,482  103,243,775

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