VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JUNE,      1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: September 1, 1998
                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 6/98)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          625,885     433,212   1,059,097            .            .      625,885      433,212    1,059,097
12 Baker             40,118      10,908      51,026       23,860        3,135       67,113       10,908       78,021
13*Bay              636,961     477,711   1,114,672            .            .      636,961      477,711    1,114,672
14 Bradford          55,516      18,932      74,448        7,090        6,672       69,278       18,932       88,210
15*Brevard        1,244,937     966,217   2,211,154            .            .    1,244,937      966,217    2,211,154
16*Broward        4,272,688   5,537,303   9,809,991            .            .    4,272,688    5,537,303    9,809,991
17 Calhoun           27,056       8,130      35,186        8,268        2,081       37,405        8,130       45,535
18*Charlotte        554,558      54,842     609,400            .            .      554,558       54,842      609,400
19*Citrus           360,569      37,419     397,988            .            .      360,569       37,419      397,988
20*Clay             521,979      71,686     593,665            .            .      521,979       71,686      593,665
21*Collier        1,423,780     260,563   1,684,343            .            .    1,423,780      260,563    1,684,343
22 Columbia         230,471      49,274     279,745            .            .      230,471       49,274      279,745
23*Dade           7,600,695   4,350,851  11,951,546            .            .    7,600,695    4,350,851   11,951,546
24 DeSoto            69,643      20,094      89,737       13,592            .       83,235       20,094      103,329
25 Dixie             16,664       3,476      20,140       17,002        1,727       35,393        3,476       38,869
26*Duval          4,903,045     290,323   5,193,368            .            .    4,903,045      290,323    5,193,368
27*Escambia       1,350,458     320,602   1,671,060            .            .    1,350,458      320,602    1,671,060
28 Flagler          113,755      20,363     134,118       12,834            .      126,589       20,363      146,952
29 Franklin          22,293      10,589      32,882        9,816            .       32,109       10,589       42,698
30 Gadsden           69,468      28,290      97,758       68,697            .      138,165       28,290      166,455
31 Gilchrist         17,775       3,125      20,900       18,614        1,560       37,949        3,125       41,074
32 Glades             7,865       1,491       9,356       16,027        1,266       25,158        1,491       26,649
33 Gulf              23,119      13,460      36,579       12,237        2,303       37,659       13,460       51,119
34 Hamilton          38,288      13,179      51,467            .            .       38,288       13,179       51,467
35 Hardee            48,193      17,022      65,215       16,760            .       64,953       17,022       81,975
36 Hendry            85,759      31,598     117,357        6,978            .       92,737       31,598      124,335
37*Hernando         372,008      24,807     396,815            .            .      372,008       24,807      396,815
38 Highlands        239,991      61,845     301,836            .            .      239,991       61,845      301,836
39*Hillsboroug    4,944,393   2,066,961   7,011,354            .            .    4,944,393    2,066,961    7,011,354
40 Holmes            28,149       7,698      35,847       23,263        2,126       53,538        7,698       61,236
41 Indian Rive      420,459     172,273     592,732            .            .      420,459      172,273      592,732
42 Jackson          122,014      49,862     171,876       16,302        8,761      147,077       49,862      196,939
43 Jefferson         28,177       6,811      34,988       19,560            .       47,737        6,811       54,548
44 Lafayette         10,433       1,752      12,185       11,574        2,020       24,027        1,752       25,779
45 Lake             547,083     290,386     837,469            .            .      547,083      290,386      837,469
46*Lee            1,864,506     812,017   2,676,523            .            .    1,864,506      812,017    2,676,523
47*Leon             731,800     578,439   1,310,239            .            .      731,800      578,439    1,310,239
48 Levy              90,075      26,607     116,682       16,785            .      106,860       26,607      133,467
49 Liberty            7,935       1,481       9,416        9,472        2,545       19,952        1,481       21,433
50 Madison           28,243       8,559      36,802       25,468        2,553       56,264        8,559       64,823
51*Manatee          931,714     300,752   1,232,466            .            .      931,714      300,752    1,232,466
52 Marion           994,912     233,391   1,228,303            .            .      994,912      233,391    1,228,303
53 Martin           667,254     102,610     769,864            .            .      667,254      102,610      769,864
54*Monroe           573,298     283,682     856,980            .            .      573,298      283,682      856,980
55*Nassau           218,039      63,219     281,258            .            .      218,039       63,219      281,258
56*Okaloosa         742,730     362,530   1,105,260            .            .      742,730      362,530    1,105,260
57 Okeechobee       114,100      18,472     132,572            .            .      114,100       18,472      132,572
58*Orange         7,341,127   2,902,884  10,244,011            .            .    7,341,127    2,902,884   10,244,011
59*Osceola          729,859     327,591   1,057,450            .            .      729,859      327,591    1,057,450
60*Palm Beach     4,198,484   2,818,869   7,017,353            .            .    4,198,484    2,818,869    7,017,353
61 Pasco          1,020,569     114,872   1,135,441            .            .    1,020,569      114,872    1,135,441
62*Pinellas       2,711,121   2,434,806   5,145,927            .            .    2,711,121    2,434,806    5,145,927
63*Polk           1,660,380     732,388   2,392,768            .            .    1,660,380      732,388    2,392,768
64 Putnam           186,433      43,986     230,419            .            .      186,433       43,986      230,419
65*St. Johns        544,941      95,915     640,856            .            .      544,941       95,915      640,856
66*St. Lucie        379,262     310,410     689,672            .            .      379,262      310,410      689,672
67*Santa Rosa       282,900      42,689     325,589            .            .      282,900       42,689      325,589
68*Sarasota       1,500,040     488,334   1,988,374            .            .    1,500,040      488,334    1,988,374
69*Seminole       1,420,718     853,632   2,274,350            .            .    1,420,718      853,632    2,274,350
70 Sumter            87,108      22,400     109,508       31,486        5,900      124,494       22,400      146,894
71 Suwannee          84,998      20,845     105,843       17,984            .      102,982       20,845      123,827
72 Taylor            57,225      26,619      83,844            .            .       57,225       26,619       83,844
73 Union             15,649       4,714      20,363       13,455        6,764       35,868        4,714       40,582
74*Volusia        1,065,079   1,049,817   2,114,896            .            .    1,065,079    1,049,817    2,114,896
75 Wakulla           40,457       1,551      42,008       21,594            .       62,051        1,551       63,602
76*Walton           250,039      58,311     308,350            .            .      250,039       58,311      308,350
77 Washington        37,528      13,897      51,425       23,290            .       60,818       13,897       74,715
   STATE TOTAL   61,652,768  30,889,344  92,542,112      462,008       49,413   62,164,189   30,889,344   93,053,533

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