VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: APRIL,     1999                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: July 6, 1999

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 4/99)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------     
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          694,756     476,087   1,170,843            .            .      694,756      476,087    1,170,843
12 Baker             50,982      13,582      64,564       25,745        3,012       79,739       13,582       93,321
13*Bay              563,201     418,989     982,190            .            .      563,201      418,989      982,190
14 Bradford          49,986      16,862      66,848       12,649        6,364       68,999       16,862       85,861
15*Brevard        1,412,549   1,091,005   2,503,554            .            .    1,412,549    1,091,005    2,503,554
16*Broward        4,817,097   6,270,687  11,087,784            .            .    4,817,097    6,270,687   11,087,784
17 Calhoun           23,723       6,861      30,584       17,297        2,003       43,023        6,861       49,884
18*Charlotte        779,808      77,277     857,085            .            .      779,808       77,277      857,085
19*Citrus           413,838      42,509     456,347            .            .      413,838       42,509      456,347
20*Clay             525,174      70,821     595,995            .            .      525,174       70,821      595,995
21*Collier        2,447,195     435,073   2,882,268            .            .    2,447,195      435,073    2,882,268
22 Columbia         226,999      48,451     275,450            .            .      226,999       48,451      275,450
23*Dade           8,468,715   4,893,023  13,361,738            .            .    8,468,715    4,893,023   13,361,738
24 DeSoto            88,030      24,829     112,859       14,958            .      102,988       24,829      127,817
25 Dixie             16,316       3,315      19,631       19,844        1,696       37,856        3,315       41,171
26*Duval          5,028,041     295,937   5,323,978            .            .    5,028,041      295,937    5,323,978
27*Escambia       1,326,029     308,572   1,634,601            .            .    1,326,029      308,572    1,634,601
28 Flagler          148,116      25,273     173,389       18,393            .      166,509       25,273      191,782
29 Franklin          29,285      13,786      43,071        7,948            .       37,233       13,786       51,019
30 Gadsden           64,375      23,810      88,185       81,938            .      146,313       23,810      170,123
31 Gilchrist         13,213       2,212      15,425       23,068            .       36,281        2,212       38,493
32 Glades            13,507       2,510      16,017       20,465        1,281       35,253        2,510       37,763
33 Gulf              21,251      11,897      33,148       18,960        2,050       42,261       11,897       54,158
34 Hamilton          39,777      13,457      53,234            .        2,377       42,154       13,457       55,611
35 Hardee            66,948      23,373      90,321       21,013            .       87,961       23,373      111,334
36 Hendry           103,238      38,027     141,265            .            .      103,238       38,027      141,265
37*Hernando         390,441      25,573     416,014            .            .      390,441       25,573      416,014
38 Highlands        309,018      77,656     386,674            .            .      309,018       77,656      386,674
39*Hillsboroug    5,546,780   2,294,006   7,840,786            .            .    5,546,780    2,294,006    7,840,786
40 Holmes            29,636       8,158      37,794       27,334        2,225       59,195        8,158       67,353
41 Indian Rive      552,047     225,060     777,107            .            .      552,047      225,060      777,107
42 Jackson          114,263      46,636     160,899       33,195        7,702      155,160       46,636      201,796
43 Jefferson         32,340       7,745      40,085       20,482            .       52,822        7,745       60,567
44 Lafayette          6,616       1,117       7,733       13,118        1,594       21,328        1,117       22,445
45 Lake             710,207     370,583   1,080,790            .            .      710,207      370,583    1,080,790
46*Lee            2,500,050   1,077,513   3,577,563            .            .    2,500,050    1,077,513    3,577,563
47*Leon             762,239     590,715   1,352,954            .            .      762,239      590,715    1,352,954
48 Levy              75,400      21,643      97,043       18,877            .       94,277       21,643      115,920
49 Liberty            6,933       1,377       8,310       11,027        2,443       20,403        1,377       21,780
50 Madison           31,186       9,189      40,375       30,100        2,374       63,660        9,189       72,849
51*Manatee        1,149,829     365,030   1,514,859            .            .    1,149,829      365,030    1,514,859
52 Marion         1,142,516     260,330   1,402,846            .            .    1,142,516      260,330    1,402,846
53 Martin           698,985     106,135     805,120            .            .      698,985      106,135      805,120
54*Monroe           743,112     366,756   1,109,868            .            .      743,112      366,756    1,109,868
55*Nassau           220,561      64,231     284,792            .            .      220,561       64,231      284,792
56*Okaloosa         711,695     343,023   1,054,718            .            .      711,695      343,023    1,054,718
57 Okeechobee       117,649      18,777     136,426            .            .      117,649       18,777      136,426
58*Orange         7,544,614   2,946,902  10,491,516            .            .    7,544,614    2,946,902   10,491,516
59*Osceola          888,013     396,477   1,284,490            .            .      888,013      396,477    1,284,490
60*Palm Beach     5,099,539   3,402,523   8,502,062            .            .    5,099,539    3,402,523    8,502,062
61 Pasco          1,225,485     136,821   1,362,306            .            .    1,225,485      136,821    1,362,306
62*Pinellas       3,004,177   2,692,776   5,696,953            .            .    3,004,177    2,692,776    5,696,953
63*Polk           1,927,548     849,996   2,777,544            .            .    1,927,548      849,996    2,777,544
64 Putnam           182,224      42,956     225,180            .            .      182,224       42,956      225,180
65*St. Johns        612,059     104,456     716,515            .            .      612,059      104,456      716,515
66*St. Lucie        470,034     391,060     861,094            .            .      470,034      391,060      861,094
67*Santa Rosa       310,803      45,756     356,559            .            .      310,803       45,756      356,559
68*Sarasota       1,998,071     647,019   2,645,090            .            .    1,998,071      647,019    2,645,090
69*Seminole       1,490,692     897,296   2,387,988            .            .    1,490,692      897,296    2,387,988
70 Sumter           105,924      25,529     131,453       38,745        7,852      152,521       25,529      178,050
71 Suwannee          94,950      22,259     117,209       25,771            .      120,721       22,259      142,980
72 Taylor            50,469      23,122      73,591            .            .       50,469       23,122       73,591
73 Union             18,146       5,338      23,484       16,188        6,439       40,773        5,338       46,111
74*Volusia        1,419,347   1,411,409   2,830,756            .            .    1,419,347    1,411,409    2,830,756
75 Wakulla           39,525       1,583      41,108       23,204            .       62,729        1,583       64,312
76*Walton           208,464      46,009     254,473            .            .      208,464       46,009      254,473
77 Washington        45,799      15,629      61,428       26,096            .       71,895       15,629       87,524
   STATE TOTAL   70,019,535  35,034,394 105,053,929      566,415       49,412   70,635,362   35,034,394  105,669,756

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