VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MARCH,     1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: June 9, 1998

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 3/98 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          614,905     425,612   1,040,517            .            .      614,905      425,612    1,040,517
12 Baker             28,319       7,700      36,019       23,717        3,135       55,171        7,700       62,871
13*Bay              506,187     379,633     885,820            .            .      506,187      379,633      885,820
14 Bradford          59,900      20,428      80,328        6,930        6,672       73,502       20,428       93,930
15*Brevard        1,215,419     943,307   2,158,726            .            .    1,215,419      943,307    2,158,726
16*Broward        4,234,383   5,487,660   9,722,043            .            .    4,234,383    5,487,660    9,722,043
17 Calhoun           18,024       5,416      23,440        8,182        2,081       28,287        5,416       33,703
18*Charlotte        659,739      65,244     724,983            .            .      659,739       65,244      724,983
19*Citrus           357,196      37,069     394,265            .            .      357,196       37,069      394,265
20*Clay             472,538      64,896     537,434            .            .      472,538       64,896      537,434
21*Collier        1,885,986     345,150   2,231,136            .            .    1,885,986      345,150    2,231,136
22 Columbia         206,584      44,167     250,751            .            .      206,584       44,167      250,751
23*Dade           7,613,127   4,357,967  11,971,094            .            .    7,613,127    4,357,967   11,971,094
24 DeSoto            69,805      20,140      89,945       13,402            .       83,207       20,140      103,347
25 Dixie             17,312       3,611      20,923       16,914        1,727       35,953        3,611       39,564
26*Duval          4,571,952     270,718   4,842,670            .            .    4,571,952      270,718    4,842,670
27*Escambia       1,166,601     276,954   1,443,555            .            .    1,166,601      276,954    1,443,555
28 Flagler          108,338      19,394     127,732       12,539            .      120,877       19,394      140,271
29 Franklin          22,597      10,734      33,331        9,739            .       32,336       10,734       43,070
30 Gadsden           62,986      25,650      88,636       68,367            .      131,353       25,650      157,003
31 Gilchrist         14,438       2,539      16,977       18,529        1,560       34,527        2,539       37,066
32 Glades            11,869       2,249      14,118       15,962        1,266       29,097        2,249       31,346
33 Gulf              19,026      11,077      30,103       12,144        2,303       33,473       11,077       44,550
34 Hamilton          37,492      12,905      50,397            .            .       37,492       12,905       50,397
35 Hardee            50,315      17,771      68,086       16,600            .       66,915       17,771       84,686
36 Hendry            87,100      32,092     119,192        6,760            .       93,860       32,092      125,952
37*Hernando         426,260      28,425     454,685            .            .      426,260       28,425      454,685
38 Highlands        264,323      68,116     332,439            .            .      264,323       68,116      332,439
39*Hillsboroug    4,953,446   2,070,746   7,024,192            .            .    4,953,446    2,070,746    7,024,192
40 Holmes            23,080       6,312      29,392       23,140        2,126       48,346        6,312       54,658
41 Indian Rive      474,983     194,613     669,596            .            .      474,983      194,613      669,596
42 Jackson          110,041      44,969     155,010       15,972        8,761      134,774       44,969      179,743
43 Jefferson         21,351       5,161      26,512       19,462            .       40,813        5,161       45,974
44 Lafayette          5,656         950       6,606       11,530        2,020       19,206          950       20,156
45 Lake             543,720     288,601     832,321            .            .      543,720      288,601      832,321
46*Lee            2,156,780     939,306   3,096,086            .            .    2,156,780      939,306    3,096,086
47*Leon             677,541     535,550   1,213,091            .            .      677,541      535,550    1,213,091
48 Levy              74,709      22,068      96,777       16,555            .       91,264       22,068      113,332
49 Liberty            7,909       1,477       9,386        9,427        2,545       19,881        1,477       21,358
50 Madison           26,340       7,983      34,323       25,337        2,553       54,230        7,983       62,213
51*Manatee        1,023,464     330,368   1,353,832            .            .    1,023,464      330,368    1,353,832
52 Marion         1,012,324     237,476   1,249,800            .            .    1,012,324      237,476    1,249,800
53 Martin           920,846     141,608   1,062,454            .            .      920,846      141,608    1,062,454
54*Monroe           654,449     323,838     978,287            .            .      654,449      323,838      978,287
55*Nassau           179,630      52,083     231,713            .            .      179,630       52,083      231,713
56*Okaloosa         559,860     273,270     833,130            .            .      559,860      273,270      833,130
57 Okeechobee       117,177      18,970     136,147            .            .      117,177       18,970      136,147
58*Orange         6,887,733   2,723,600   9,611,333            .            .    6,887,733    2,723,600    9,611,333
59*Osceola          729,283     327,333   1,056,616            .            .      729,283      327,333    1,056,616
60*Palm Beach     4,578,010   3,073,683   7,651,693            .            .    4,578,010    3,073,683    7,651,693
61 Pasco          1,104,416     124,310   1,228,726            .            .    1,104,416      124,310    1,228,726
62*Pinellas       2,729,332   2,451,161   5,180,493            .            .    2,729,332    2,451,161    5,180,493
63*Polk           1,736,987     766,179   2,503,166            .            .    1,736,987      766,179    2,503,166
64 Putnam           163,890      38,667     202,557            .            .      163,890       38,667      202,557
65*St. Johns        491,293      86,472     577,765            .            .      491,293       86,472      577,765
66*St. Lucie        393,817     322,323     716,140            .            .      393,817      322,323      716,140
67*Santa Rosa       216,524      32,673     249,197            .            .      216,524       32,673      249,197
68*Sarasota       1,724,702     561,472   2,286,174            .            .    1,724,702      561,472    2,286,174
69*Seminole       1,344,846     808,044   2,152,890            .            .    1,344,846      808,044    2,152,890
70 Sumter            77,143      19,838      96,981       31,205        5,900      114,248       19,838      134,086
71 Suwannee          83,463      20,468     103,931       17,746            .      101,209       20,468      121,677
72 Taylor            58,244      27,093      85,337            .            .       58,244       27,093       85,337
73 Union             12,362       3,724      16,086       13,386        6,764       32,512        3,724       36,236
74*Volusia        1,218,426   1,200,966   2,419,392            .            .    1,218,426    1,200,966    2,419,392
75 Wakulla           30,464       1,168      31,632       21,458            .       51,922        1,168       53,090
76*Walton           162,713      37,946     200,659            .            .      162,713       37,946      200,659
77 Washington        34,231      12,676      46,907       23,150            .       57,381       12,676       70,057
   STATE TOTAL   62,123,906  31,121,769  93,245,675      458,153       49,413   62,631,472   31,121,769   93,753,241

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