VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: Fiscal Year 1998                                                        FORM-5b
REPORT DATE: October 7, 1998
                                        STATE DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                             OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                         (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR FY 1998 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total      Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.    Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.     to County    To city    to Cities
                    Govts.      Govts.                218.65(1)     218.65(6)      Govts.       Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua        7,784,741   5,388,189  13,172,930            .            .    7,784,741    5,388,189   13,172,930
12 Baker            427,244     116,425     543,669      282,806       37,620      747,670      116,425      864,095
13 Bay            6,610,424   4,959,520  11,569,944            .            .    6,610,424    4,959,520   11,569,944
14 Bradford         663,855     227,324     891,179       84,551       80,064      828,470      227,324    1,055,794
15 Brevard       14,663,379  11,387,236  26,050,615            .            .   14,663,379   11,387,236   26,050,615
16 Broward       50,790,371  65,309,793 116,100,164            .            .   50,790,371   65,309,793  116,100,164
17 Calhoun          237,045      71,573     308,618       98,176       24,972      360,193       71,573      431,766
18 Charlotte      6,838,146     675,261   7,513,407            .            .    6,838,146      675,261    7,513,407
19 Citrus         4,272,493     444,554   4,717,047            .            .    4,272,493      444,554    4,717,047
20 Clay           5,980,458     825,122   6,805,580            .            .    5,980,458      825,122    6,805,580
21 Collier       18,654,892   3,194,942  21,849,834            .            .   18,654,892    3,194,942   21,849,834
22 Columbia       2,627,632     566,628   3,194,260            .            .    2,627,632      566,628    3,194,260
23 Dade          89,874,313  51,470,024 141,344,337            .            .   89,874,313   51,470,024  141,344,337
24 DeSoto           791,838     228,835   1,020,673      161,540            .      953,378      228,835    1,182,213
25 Dixie            219,690      45,866     265,556      201,462       20,722      441,874       45,866      487,740
26 Duval         56,773,240   3,361,069  60,134,309            .            .   56,773,240    3,361,069   60,134,309
27 Escambia      15,386,723   3,659,123  19,045,846            .            .   15,386,723    3,659,123   19,045,846
28 Flagler        1,347,599     243,469   1,591,068      153,175            .    1,500,774      243,469    1,744,243
29 Franklin         298,013     141,868     439,881      116,417            .      414,430      141,868      556,298
30 Gadsden          816,253     332,748   1,149,001      813,906            .    1,630,159      332,748    1,962,907
31 Gilchrist        172,739      30,500     203,239      220,514       18,720      411,973       30,500      442,473
32 Glades            92,564      17,593     110,157      189,831       15,192      297,587       17,593      315,180
33 Gulf             262,740     153,255     415,995      145,106       27,636      435,482      153,255      588,737
34 Hamilton         442,657     154,412     597,069            .            .      442,657      154,412      597,069
35 Hardee           554,311     196,179     750,490      198,843            .      753,154      196,179      949,333
36 Hendry           989,741     365,853   1,355,594       83,482            .    1,073,223      365,853    1,439,076
37 Hernando       4,391,517     293,721   4,685,238            .            .    4,391,517      293,721    4,685,238
38 Highlands      2,844,595     733,690   3,578,285            .            .    2,844,595      733,690    3,578,285
39 Hillsboroug   58,882,665  24,632,788  83,515,453            .            .   58,882,665   24,632,788   83,515,453
40 Holmes           291,745      79,721     371,466      275,626       25,512      592,883       79,721      672,604
41 Indian Rive    5,287,377   2,167,122   7,454,499            .            .    5,287,377    2,167,122    7,454,499
42 Jackson        1,306,558     534,453   1,841,011      194,342      105,132    1,606,032      534,453    2,140,485
43 Jefferson        253,271      61,486     314,757      231,753            .      485,024       61,486      546,510
44 Lafayette         72,868      12,382      85,250      137,092       24,240      234,200       12,382      246,582
45 Lake           6,244,100   3,317,341   9,561,441            .            .    6,244,100    3,317,341    9,561,441
46 Lee           22,615,158   9,857,667  32,472,825            .            .   22,615,158    9,857,667   32,472,825
47 Leon           8,614,391   6,813,257  15,427,648            .            .    8,614,391    6,813,257   15,427,648
48 Levy             968,310     286,768   1,255,078      199,531            .    1,167,841      286,768    1,454,609
49 Liberty          104,960      19,796     124,756      112,244       30,540      247,744       19,796      267,540
50 Madison          309,455      94,043     403,498      301,764       33,190      644,409       94,043      738,452
51 Manatee       11,211,354   3,623,447  14,834,801            .            .   11,211,354    3,623,447   14,834,801
52 Marion        11,601,965   2,729,682  14,331,647            .            .   11,601,965    2,729,682   14,331,647
53 Martin         8,302,801   1,276,924   9,579,725            .            .    8,302,801    1,276,924    9,579,725
54 Monroe         7,040,191   3,057,956  10,098,147            .            .    7,040,191    3,057,956   10,098,147
55 Nassau         2,222,148     645,869   2,868,017            .            .    2,222,148      645,869    2,868,017
56 Okaloosa       7,924,323   3,868,344  11,792,667            .            .    7,924,323    3,868,344   11,792,667
57 Okeechobee     1,330,962     215,703   1,546,665            .            .    1,330,962      215,703    1,546,665
58 Orange        82,887,925  32,807,496 115,695,421            .            .   82,887,925   32,807,496  115,695,421
59 Osceola        8,594,189   3,853,749  12,447,938            .            .    8,594,189    3,853,749   12,447,938
60 Palm Beach    51,705,512  34,711,137  86,416,649            .            .   51,705,512   34,711,137   86,416,649
61 Pasco         12,659,993   1,425,792  14,085,785            .            .   12,659,993    1,425,792   14,085,785
62 Pinellas      31,993,838  28,743,484  60,737,322            .            .   31,993,838   28,743,484   60,737,322
63 Polk          19,790,910   8,747,877  28,538,787            .            .   19,790,910    8,747,877   28,538,787
64 Putnam         2,207,068     521,615   2,728,683            .            .    2,207,068      521,615    2,728,683
65 St. Johns      5,925,078   1,047,768   6,972,846            .            .    5,925,078    1,047,768    6,972,846
66 St. Lucie      4,543,864   3,715,045   8,258,909            .            .    4,543,864    3,715,045    8,258,909
67 Santa Rosa     2,935,616     444,974   3,380,590            .            .    2,935,616      444,974    3,380,590
68 Sarasota      18,505,145   6,024,742  24,529,887            .            .   18,505,145    6,024,742   24,529,887
69 Seminole      16,347,560   9,817,901  26,165,461            .            .   16,347,560    9,817,901   26,165,461
70 Sumter         1,045,347     270,576   1,315,923      373,700       68,247    1,487,294      270,576    1,757,870
71 Suwannee         955,728     235,808   1,191,536      213,743            .    1,169,471      235,808    1,405,279
72 Taylor           712,605     332,450   1,045,055            .            .      712,605      332,450    1,045,055
73 Union            157,901      48,084     205,985      159,450       81,168      398,519       48,084      446,603
74 Volusia       12,387,921  12,191,573  24,579,494            .            .   12,387,921   12,191,573   24,579,494
75 Wakulla          425,678      16,505     442,183      256,038            .      681,716       16,505      698,221
76 Walton         2,321,890     539,433   2,861,323            .            .    2,321,890      539,433    2,861,323
77 Washington       408,604     151,551     560,155      276,036            .      684,640      151,551      836,191
   STATE TOTAL  725,906,187 363,537,081  1089443268    5,481,128      592,955  731,980,270  363,537,0811,095,517,351

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