VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: NOVEMBER,  1998                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: February 5, 1999
                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 11/98 INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          635,018     435,151   1,070,169            .            .      635,018      435,151    1,070,169
12 Baker             51,919      13,832      65,751       21,703        3,012       76,634       13,832       90,466
13*Bay              497,988     370,474     868,462            .            .      497,988      370,474      868,462
14 Bradford          56,531      19,070      75,601        8,980        6,364       71,874       19,070       90,944
15*Brevard        1,223,257     944,803   2,168,060            .            .    1,223,257      944,803    2,168,060
16*Broward        4,305,151   5,604,259   9,909,409            .            .    4,305,151    5,604,259    9,909,409
17 Calhoun           23,564       6,815      30,379       14,766        2,003       40,334        6,815       47,149
18*Charlotte        690,453      68,422     758,875            .            .      690,453       68,422      758,875
19*Citrus           374,511      38,469     412,980            .            .      374,511       38,469      412,980
20*Clay             507,552      68,444     575,997            .            .      507,552       68,444      575,997
21*Collier        1,633,092     290,338   1,923,430            .            .    1,633,092      290,338    1,923,430
22 Columbia         211,082      45,054     256,136            .            .      211,082       45,054      256,136
23*Dade           7,526,724   4,348,763  11,875,487            .            .    7,526,724    4,348,763   11,875,487
24 DeSoto            74,107      20,902      95,009       10,594            .       84,701       20,902      105,603
25 Dixie             21,491       4,366      25,858       17,135        1,696       40,322        4,366       44,688
26*Duval          5,115,803     301,102   5,416,905            .            .    5,115,803      301,102    5,416,905
27*Escambia       1,301,457     302,854   1,604,311            .            .    1,301,457      302,854    1,604,311
28 Flagler          122,568      20,914     143,482       11,641            .      134,209       20,914      155,122
29 Franklin          22,556      10,618      33,174        6,085            .       28,640       10,618       39,258
30 Gadsden           68,309      25,265      93,574       71,089            .      139,398       25,265      164,663
31 Gilchrist         13,723       2,297      16,021       20,225            .       33,949        2,297       36,246
32 Glades             7,002       1,301       8,303       18,168        1,281       26,451        1,301       27,752
33 Gulf              16,593       9,289      25,882       16,175        2,050       34,818        9,289       44,108
34 Hamilton          32,751      11,080      43,831            .        2,377       35,129       11,080       46,209
35 Hardee            44,743      15,621      60,364       16,952            .       61,695       15,621       77,316
36 Hendry            83,491      30,754     114,245            .            .       83,491       30,754      114,245
37*Hernando         395,374      25,896     421,270            .            .      395,374       25,896      421,270
38 Highlands        270,113      67,880     337,993            .            .      270,113       67,880      337,993
39*Hillsboroug    5,146,177   2,128,327   7,274,505            .            .    5,146,177    2,128,327    7,274,505
40 Holmes            25,288       6,961      32,249       23,643        2,225       51,156        6,961       58,117
41 Indian Rive      468,628     191,052     659,680            .            .      468,628      191,052      659,680
42 Jackson          106,811      43,594     150,405       25,181        7,702      139,693       43,594      183,288
43 Jefferson         16,934       4,056      20,990       17,587            .       34,521        4,056       38,577
44 Lafayette          7,109       1,201       8,310       11,595        1,594       20,298        1,201       21,499
45 Lake             549,186     286,563     835,749            .            .      549,186      286,563      835,749
46*Lee            1,987,626     856,661   2,844,287            .            .    1,987,626      856,661    2,844,287
47*Leon             755,747     585,684   1,341,431            .            .      755,747      585,684    1,341,431
48 Levy              85,439      24,524     109,964       13,485            .       98,924       24,524      123,449
49 Liberty            8,779       1,744      10,523        9,585        2,443       20,807        1,744       22,551
50 Madison           24,385       7,185      31,570       26,079        2,374       52,838        7,185       60,023
51*Manatee          898,220     285,153   1,183,373            .            .      898,220      285,153    1,183,373
52 Marion         1,029,866     234,662   1,264,528            .            .    1,029,866      234,662    1,264,528
53 Martin           721,724     109,587     831,311            .            .      721,724      109,587      831,311
54*Monroe           515,567     254,454     770,021            .            .      515,567      254,454      770,021
55*Nassau           202,734      59,039     261,773            .            .      202,734       59,039      261,773
56*Okaloosa         643,162     309,991     953,154            .            .      643,162      309,991      953,154
57 Okeechobee       114,606      18,291     132,897            .            .      114,606       18,291      132,897
58*Orange         7,350,047   2,870,904  10,220,951            .            .    7,350,047    2,870,904   10,220,951
59*Osceola          723,810     323,164   1,046,974            .            .      723,810      323,164    1,046,974
60*Palm Beach     4,452,798   2,971,003   7,423,801            .            .    4,452,798    2,971,003    7,423,801
61 Pasco          1,067,726     119,208   1,186,934            .            .    1,067,726      119,208    1,186,934
62*Pinellas       2,703,831   2,423,563   5,127,394            .            .    2,703,831    2,423,563    5,127,394
63*Polk           1,800,207     793,842   2,594,049            .            .    1,800,207      793,842    2,594,049
64 Putnam           195,216      46,018     241,234            .            .      195,216       46,018      241,234
65*St. Johns        502,713      85,795     588,508            .            .      502,713       85,795      588,508
66*St. Lucie        385,390     320,637     706,028            .            .      385,390      320,637      706,028
67*Santa Rosa       250,367      36,859     287,226            .            .      250,367       36,859      287,226
68*Sarasota       1,556,305     503,966   2,060,271            .            .    1,556,305      503,966    2,060,271
69*Seminole       1,401,825     843,804   2,245,629            .            .    1,401,825      843,804    2,245,629
70 Sumter            84,002      20,245     104,247       31,171        7,852      123,025       20,245      143,270
71 Suwannee          84,843      19,890     104,733       19,767            .      104,609       19,890      124,499
72 Taylor            64,848      29,709      94,557            .            .       64,848       29,709       94,557
73 Union             18,399       5,413      23,813       14,057        6,439       38,895        5,413       44,308
74*Volusia        1,081,455   1,075,406   2,156,860            .            .    1,081,455    1,075,406    2,156,860
75 Wakulla           37,011       1,483      38,493       19,410            .       56,421        1,483       57,904
76*Walton           169,895      37,497     207,391            .            .      169,895       37,497      207,391
77 Washington        34,537      11,786      46,322       22,090            .       56,626       11,786       68,412
   STATE TOTAL   62,600,135  31,052,956  93,653,091      467,163       49,413   63,116,711   31,052,956   94,169,667

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