VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: OCTOBER,   2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: February 3, 2003

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          825,159     509,189   1,334,347            .            .      825,159      509,189    1,334,347
12 Baker             41,289      10,965      52,254       26,891        2,754       70,934       10,965       81,899
13 Bay              609,637     466,952   1,076,589            .            .      609,637      466,952    1,076,589
14 Bradford          65,090      22,643      87,733       15,846        5,134       86,070       22,643      108,714
15 Brevard        1,566,267   1,183,753   2,750,020            .            .    1,566,267    1,183,753    2,750,020
16 Broward        5,057,740   6,908,717  11,966,457            .            .    5,057,740    6,908,717   11,966,457
17 Calhoun           20,062       5,552      25,614       18,715        1,930       40,707        5,552       46,258
18 Charlotte        689,575      75,765     765,340            .            .      689,575       75,765      765,340
19 Citrus           476,179      41,890     518,069            .            .      476,179       41,890      518,069
20 Clay             631,692      75,481     707,173            .            .      631,692       75,481      707,173
21 Collier        1,959,795     289,691   2,249,486            .            .    1,959,795      289,691    2,249,486
22 Columbia         252,697      49,478     302,175            .            .      252,697       49,478      302,175
23 Dade           8,805,825   4,948,648  13,754,474            .            .    8,805,825    4,948,648   13,754,474
24 DeSoto            86,647      20,421     107,068       17,727            .      104,374       20,421      124,795
25 Dixie             22,998       3,808      26,806       22,513            .       45,511        3,808       49,319
26 Duval          6,031,504     335,928   6,367,432            .            .    6,031,504      335,928    6,367,432
27 Escambia       1,466,023     308,650   1,774,672            .            .    1,466,023      308,650    1,774,672
28 Flagler          104,506     116,545     221,051       82,223            .      186,728      116,545      303,273
29 Franklin          40,525      17,300      57,825            .            .       40,525       17,300       57,825
30 Gadsden           78,927      31,060     109,987       64,934            .      143,861       31,060      174,921
31 Gilchrist         18,553       3,204      21,757       24,855            .       43,408        3,204       46,611
32 Glades            10,273       1,823      12,096       21,420            .       31,692        1,823       33,516
33 Gulf              24,688      12,499      37,187       17,901        4,187       46,777       12,499       59,275
34 Hamilton          17,812       6,098      23,910       17,449        4,108       39,369        6,098       45,467
35 Hardee            46,528      18,208      64,736       37,540            .       84,068       18,208      102,276
36 Hendry           105,457      35,638     141,095       12,770            .      118,227       35,638      153,865
37 Hernando         514,789      28,663     543,453            .            .      514,789       28,663      543,453
38 Highlands        297,380      72,658     370,038            .            .      297,380       72,658      370,038
39 Hillsboroug    6,029,768   2,394,926   8,424,694            .            .    6,029,768    2,394,926    8,424,694
40 Holmes            28,616       7,205      35,821       30,097        2,083       60,796        7,205       68,001
41 Indian Rive      544,806     227,176     771,982            .            .      544,806      227,176      771,982
42 Jackson          140,397      55,089     195,486       27,683        7,983      176,063       55,089      231,152
43 Jefferson         37,378       8,258      45,636       12,022            .       49,400        8,258       57,658
44 Lafayette          8,171       1,466       9,637        7,880        1,766       17,817        1,466       19,282
45 Lake             750,856     376,924   1,127,780            .            .      750,856      376,924    1,127,780
46 Lee            2,349,627   1,265,858   3,615,486            .            .    2,349,627    1,265,858    3,615,486
47 Leon             879,780     697,679   1,577,459            .            .      879,780      697,679    1,577,459
48 Levy              96,874      26,756     123,630       25,714            .      122,589       26,756      149,345
49 Liberty            8,064       1,271       9,335        9,273        2,157       19,494        1,271       20,765
50 Madison           30,385       8,122      38,507       23,574        2,301       56,260        8,122       64,382
51 Manatee        1,297,678     386,298   1,683,975            .            .    1,297,678      386,298    1,683,975
52 Marion         1,254,805     270,122   1,524,927            .            .    1,254,805      270,122    1,524,927
53 Martin           933,729     136,112   1,069,841            .            .      933,729      136,112    1,069,841
54 Monroe           476,574     319,052     795,626            .            .      476,574      319,052      795,626
55 Nassau           209,571      55,747     265,318            .            .      209,571       55,747      265,318
56 Okaloosa         832,886     398,304   1,231,190            .            .      832,886      398,304    1,231,190
57 Okeechobee       131,991      21,588     153,579            .            .      131,991       21,588      153,579
58 Orange         7,841,816   3,005,919  10,847,735            .            .    7,841,816    3,005,919   10,847,735
59 Osceola          860,490     388,304   1,248,794            .            .      860,490      388,304    1,248,794
60 Palm Beach     5,155,516   3,404,842   8,560,358            .            .    5,155,516    3,404,842    8,560,358
61 Pasco          1,418,493     158,111   1,576,604            .            .    1,418,493      158,111    1,576,604
62 Pinellas       3,014,823   2,725,148   5,739,972            .            .    3,014,823    2,725,148    5,739,972
63 Polk           1,807,904     800,694   2,608,597            .            .    1,807,904      800,694    2,608,597
64 Putnam           229,143      51,326     280,469            .            .      229,143       51,326      280,469
65 St. Johns        674,409     100,517     774,926            .            .      674,409      100,517      774,926
66 St. Lucie        491,623     417,376     908,999            .            .      491,623      417,376      908,999
67 Santa Rosa       386,862      44,926     431,788            .            .      386,862       44,926      431,788
68 Sarasota       1,746,896     594,935   2,341,831            .            .    1,746,896      594,935    2,341,831
69 Seminole       1,724,328   1,052,330   2,776,659            .            .    1,724,328    1,052,330    2,776,659
70 Sumter           140,005      24,144     164,149       52,476        8,755      201,236       24,144      225,380
71 Suwannee         102,999      22,167     125,166       27,889            .      130,888       22,167      153,055
72 Taylor            51,165      21,729      72,894       11,549            .       62,714       21,729       84,443
73 Union             19,453       5,198      24,651       14,764        6,255       40,471        5,198       45,670
74 Volusia        1,326,438   1,360,001   2,686,439            .            .    1,326,438    1,360,001    2,686,439
75 Wakulla           43,929       1,336      45,265       32,033            .       75,962        1,336       77,298
76 Walton           322,681      57,351     380,032            .            .      322,681       57,351      380,032
77 Washington        45,028      12,578      57,607       27,190            .       72,219       12,578       84,797
   STATE TOTAL   73,313,575  36,508,111 109,821,687      682,928       49,413   74,045,917   36,508,111  110,554,028

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