VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: SEPTEMBER, 2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: January 3, 2003

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          895,792     552,775   1,448,567            .            .      895,792      552,775    1,448,567
12 Baker             46,444      12,334      58,778       27,288        2,754       76,486       12,334       88,820
13 Bay              713,842     546,767   1,260,608            .            .      713,842      546,767    1,260,608
14 Bradford          64,691      22,505      87,196       16,080        5,134       85,905       22,505      108,409
15 Brevard        1,642,017   1,241,003   2,883,020            .            .    1,642,017    1,241,003    2,883,020
16 Broward        5,314,288   7,259,155  12,573,443            .            .    5,314,288    7,259,155   12,573,443
17 Calhoun           24,210       6,700      30,909       18,991        1,930       45,130        6,700       51,830
18 Charlotte        720,968      79,214     800,182            .            .      720,968       79,214      800,182
19 Citrus           475,943      41,869     517,812            .            .      475,943       41,869      517,812
20 Clay             662,981      79,220     742,201            .            .      662,981       79,220      742,201
21 Collier        1,901,861     281,127   2,182,988            .            .    1,901,861      281,127    2,182,988
22 Columbia         280,462      54,914     335,376            .            .      280,462       54,914      335,376
23 Dade           9,082,839   5,104,323  14,187,161            .            .    9,082,839    5,104,323   14,187,161
24 DeSoto            87,933      20,724     108,657       17,988            .      105,921       20,724      126,645
25 Dixie             23,084       3,822      26,907       22,846            .       45,930        3,822       49,752
26 Duval          6,125,504     341,163   6,466,667            .            .    6,125,504      341,163    6,466,667
27 Escambia       1,590,500     334,857   1,925,356            .            .    1,590,500      334,857    1,925,356
28 Flagler          103,699     115,646     219,345       83,436            .      187,135      115,646      302,781
29 Franklin          45,785      19,545      65,331            .            .       45,785       19,545       65,331
30 Gadsden           89,545      35,238     124,784       65,892            .      155,437       35,238      190,676
31 Gilchrist         23,058       3,982      27,040       25,221            .       48,279        3,982       52,261
32 Glades             9,881       1,754      11,635       21,736            .       31,617        1,754       33,371
33 Gulf              26,421      13,376      39,798       18,166        4,187       48,774       13,376       62,151
34 Hamilton          19,591       6,707      26,299       17,706        4,108       41,406        6,707       48,113
35 Hardee            46,599      18,236      64,835       38,094            .       84,693       18,236      102,929
36 Hendry           103,996      35,144     139,140       12,958            .      116,955       35,144      152,099
37 Hernando         487,658      27,153     514,810            .            .      487,658       27,153      514,810
38 Highlands        314,298      76,791     391,090            .            .      314,298       76,791      391,090
39 Hillsboroug    6,235,835   2,476,773   8,712,608            .            .    6,235,835    2,476,773    8,712,608
40 Holmes            31,459       7,920      39,379       30,541        2,083       64,083        7,920       72,003
41 Indian Rive      527,825     220,095     747,920            .            .      527,825      220,095      747,920
42 Jackson          127,935      50,199     178,134       28,091        7,983      164,010       50,199      214,209
43 Jefferson         38,801       8,573      47,373       12,200            .       51,000        8,573       59,573
44 Lafayette          9,148       1,641      10,788        7,996        1,766       18,909        1,641       20,550
45 Lake             748,627     375,805   1,124,432            .            .      748,627      375,805    1,124,432
46 Lee            2,380,692   1,282,595   3,663,287            .            .    2,380,692    1,282,595    3,663,287
47 Leon             962,038     762,911   1,724,949            .            .      962,038      762,911    1,724,949
48 Levy             101,797      28,116     129,913       26,094            .      127,891       28,116      156,007
49 Liberty            9,169       1,445      10,614        9,410        2,157       20,736        1,445       22,181
50 Madison           35,755       9,557      45,312       23,922        2,301       61,978        9,557       71,535
51 Manatee        1,285,001     382,524   1,667,525            .            .    1,285,001      382,524    1,667,525
52 Marion         1,295,097     278,796   1,573,892            .            .    1,295,097      278,796    1,573,892
53 Martin           962,878     140,362   1,103,240            .            .      962,878      140,362    1,103,240
54 Monroe           585,054     391,676     976,730            .            .      585,054      391,676      976,730
55 Nassau           169,793      45,166     214,959            .            .      169,793       45,166      214,959
56 Okaloosa         973,714     465,651   1,439,365            .            .      973,714      465,651    1,439,365
57 Okeechobee       131,548      21,515     153,063            .            .      131,548       21,515      153,063
58 Orange         8,641,715   3,312,536  11,954,252            .            .    8,641,715    3,312,536   11,954,252
59 Osceola          955,584     431,216   1,386,799            .            .      955,584      431,216    1,386,799
60 Palm Beach     5,398,452   3,565,284   8,963,736            .            .    5,398,452    3,565,284    8,963,736
61 Pasco          1,453,137     161,973   1,615,110            .            .    1,453,137      161,973    1,615,110
62 Pinellas       3,196,368   2,889,250   6,085,618            .            .    3,196,368    2,889,250    6,085,618
63 Polk           2,001,387     886,385   2,887,772            .            .    2,001,387      886,385    2,887,772
64 Putnam           185,547      41,561     227,109            .            .      185,547       41,561      227,109
65 St. Johns        731,199     108,981     840,180            .            .      731,199      108,981      840,180
66 St. Lucie        510,506     433,407     943,913            .            .      510,506      433,407      943,913
67 Santa Rosa       386,967      44,939     431,906            .            .      386,967       44,939      431,906
68 Sarasota       1,916,461     652,683   2,569,144            .            .    1,916,461      652,683    2,569,144
69 Seminole       1,823,710   1,112,982   2,936,692            .            .    1,823,710    1,112,982    2,936,692
70 Sumter           125,565      21,654     147,219       53,250        8,755      187,570       21,654      209,224
71 Suwannee          95,452      20,543     115,995       28,301            .      123,753       20,543      144,296
72 Taylor            54,016      22,940      76,956       11,719            .       65,736       22,940       88,675
73 Union             23,302       6,227      29,529       14,982        6,255       44,539        6,227       50,766
74 Volusia        1,475,237   1,512,565   2,987,803            .            .    1,475,237    1,512,565    2,987,803
75 Wakulla           52,359       1,592      53,951       32,505            .       84,864        1,592       86,456
76 Walton           363,961      64,688     428,649            .            .      363,961       64,688      428,649
77 Washington        47,679      13,319      60,998       27,591            .       75,271       13,319       88,590
   STATE TOTAL   76,974,664  38,592,085 115,566,749      693,004       49,413   77,717,081   38,592,085  116,309,165

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