VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: SEPTEMBER, 2000                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: December 28, 2000

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 9/2000)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          724,765     486,500   1,211,265            .            .      724,765      486,500    1,211,265
12 Baker             39,183      10,240      49,423       28,610        2,803       70,596       10,240       80,836
13*Bay              656,114     487,600   1,143,714            .            .      656,114      487,600    1,143,714
14 Bradford          59,420      19,747      79,167       16,673        6,505       82,598       19,747      102,345
15*Brevard        1,441,343   1,108,181   2,549,524            .            .    1,441,343    1,108,181    2,549,524
16*Broward        4,674,943   6,257,419  10,932,362            .            .    4,674,943    6,257,419   10,932,362
17 Calhoun           21,197       5,848      27,045       21,676        2,299       45,172        5,848       51,020
18*Charlotte        577,605      60,055     637,660            .            .      577,605       60,055      637,660
19*Citrus           394,929      40,313     435,242            .            .      394,929       40,313      435,242
20*Clay             576,850      74,028     650,878            .            .      576,850       74,028      650,878
21*Collier        1,664,201     272,401   1,936,602            .            .    1,664,201      272,401    1,936,602
22 Columbia         233,619      48,164     281,783            .            .      233,619       48,164      281,783
23*Dade           8,261,214   4,686,951  12,948,165            .            .    8,261,214    4,686,951   12,948,165
24 DeSoto            68,725      18,273      86,998       16,123            .       84,848       18,273      103,121
25 Dixie             21,589       4,192      25,781       22,532            .       44,121        4,192       48,313
26*Duval          5,486,750     321,193   5,807,943            .            .    5,486,750      321,193    5,807,943
27*Escambia       1,363,325     307,294   1,670,619            .            .    1,363,325      307,294    1,670,619
28 Flagler           85,039      96,107     181,146            .            .       85,039       96,107      181,146
29 Franklin          34,632      15,946      50,578        7,874            .       42,506       15,946       58,452
30 Gadsden           75,508      27,645     103,153       89,370            .      164,878       27,645      192,523
31 Gilchrist         21,712       3,424      25,136       25,750            .       47,462        3,424       50,886
32 Glades             9,065       1,549      10,614       21,750        1,298       32,113        1,549       33,662
33 Gulf              21,932      11,921      33,853       21,769        2,150       45,851       11,921       57,772
34 Hamilton          21,438       7,129      28,567        9,617        3,221       34,276        7,129       41,405
35 Hardee            41,474      14,322      55,796       22,112            .       63,586       14,322       77,908
36 Hendry            99,566      36,435     136,001            .            .       99,566       36,435      136,001
37*Hernando         394,958      25,311     420,269            .            .      394,958       25,311      420,269
38 Highlands        253,521      62,333     315,854            .            .      253,521       62,333      315,854
39*Hillsboroug    5,644,033   2,301,073   7,945,106            .            .    5,644,033    2,301,073    7,945,106
40 Holmes            27,511       7,205      34,716       32,051            .       59,562        7,205       66,767
41 Indian Rive      467,375     190,350     657,725            .            .      467,375      190,350      657,725
42 Jackson          118,342      48,296     166,638       40,442        8,503      167,287       48,296      215,583
43 Jefferson         32,412       7,540      39,952       17,765            .       50,177        7,540       57,717
44 Lafayette          8,261       1,358       9,619       12,979        1,463       22,703        1,358       24,061
45 Lake             621,160     316,105     937,265            .            .      621,160      316,105      937,265
46*Lee            2,060,124   1,035,685   3,095,809            .            .    2,060,124    1,035,685    3,095,809
47*Leon             820,438     629,312   1,449,750            .            .      820,438      629,312    1,449,750
48 Levy              94,676      27,224     121,900       24,709            .      119,385       27,224      146,609
49 Liberty            7,883       1,459       9,342       14,212        2,448       24,543        1,459       26,002
50 Madison           31,994       9,050      41,044       32,586        2,586       67,166        9,050       76,216
51*Manatee          995,093     306,550   1,301,643            .            .      995,093      306,550    1,301,643
52 Marion         1,121,639     253,167   1,374,806            .            .    1,121,639      253,167    1,374,806
53 Martin           728,250     105,619     833,869            .            .      728,250      105,619      833,869
54*Monroe           527,767     355,386     883,153            .            .      527,767      355,386      883,153
55*Nassau           229,922      64,379     294,301            .            .      229,922       64,379      294,301
56*Okaloosa         814,844     387,787   1,202,631            .            .      814,844      387,787    1,202,631
57 Okeechobee       121,730      19,213     140,943            .            .      121,730       19,213      140,943
58*Orange         8,098,831   3,170,245  11,269,076            .            .    8,098,831    3,170,245   11,269,076
59*Osceola          836,151     362,359   1,198,510            .            .      836,151      362,359    1,198,510
60*Palm Beach     4,531,075   3,030,865   7,561,940            .            .    4,531,075    3,030,865    7,561,940
61 Pasco          1,156,383     125,929   1,282,312            .            .    1,156,383      125,929    1,282,312
62*Pinellas       2,803,475   2,506,683   5,310,158            .            .    2,803,475    2,506,683    5,310,158
63*Polk           1,777,052     765,545   2,542,597            .            .    1,777,052      765,545    2,542,597
64 Putnam           209,923      48,467     258,390            .            .      209,923       48,467      258,390
65*St. Johns        592,621      96,850     689,471            .            .      592,621       96,850      689,471
66*St. Lucie        415,930     348,285     764,215            .            .      415,930      348,285      764,215
67*Santa Rosa       304,033      42,259     346,292            .            .      304,033       42,259      346,292
68*Sarasota       1,680,498     543,477   2,223,975            .            .    1,680,498      543,477    2,223,975
69*Seminole       1,564,713     947,445   2,512,158            .            .    1,564,713      947,445    2,512,158
70 Sumter            96,883      20,673     117,556       57,470        9,096      163,449       20,673      184,122
71 Suwannee          97,812      22,241     120,053       26,116            .      123,928       22,241      146,169
72 Taylor            60,074      26,676      86,750            .            .       60,074       26,676       86,750
73 Union             15,129       4,122      19,251       17,637        7,039       39,805        4,122       43,927
74*Volusia        1,143,413   1,140,628   2,284,041            .            .    1,143,413    1,140,628    2,284,041
75 Wakulla           45,530       1,755      47,285       27,439            .       72,969        1,755       74,724
76*Walton           289,273      57,893     347,166            .            .      289,273       57,893      347,166
77 Washington        38,841      12,040      50,881       31,188            .       70,029       12,040       82,069
   STATE TOTAL   67,555,711  33,851,716 101,407,427      638,450       49,411   68,243,572   33,851,716  102,095,288

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