VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: AUGUST,    2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: October 24, 2001

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          707,539     474,938   1,182,478            .            .      707,539      474,938    1,182,478
12 Baker             44,935      11,743      56,678       30,039        2,677       77,651       11,743       89,394
13 Bay              758,392     563,609   1,322,000            .            .      758,392      563,609    1,322,000
14 Bradford          60,070      19,963      80,033       16,473        5,694       82,237       19,963      102,200
15 Brevard        1,460,233   1,122,704   2,582,937            .            .    1,460,233    1,122,704    2,582,937
16 Broward        4,711,908   6,306,896  11,018,805            .            .    4,711,908    6,306,896   11,018,805
17 Calhoun           22,053       5,844      27,897       16,767        2,166       40,986        5,844       46,830
18 Charlotte        622,914      64,766     687,680            .            .      622,914       64,766      687,680
19 Citrus           422,032      43,080     465,112            .            .      422,032       43,080      465,112
20 Clay             570,044      73,155     643,199            .            .      570,044       73,155      643,199
21 Collier        1,808,014     295,941   2,103,955            .            .    1,808,014      295,941    2,103,955
22 Columbia         230,736      47,570     278,306            .            .      230,736       47,570      278,306
23 Dade           8,296,652   4,826,070  13,122,722            .            .    8,296,652    4,826,070   13,122,722
24 DeSoto            78,698      20,925      99,623       20,979            .       99,677       20,925      120,602
25 Dixie             23,033       4,473      27,506       20,690        1,502       45,225        4,473       49,698
26 Duval          5,583,696     326,869   5,910,564            .            .    5,583,696      326,869    5,910,564
27 Escambia       1,390,319     313,379   1,703,698            .            .    1,390,319      313,379    1,703,698
28 Flagler           89,178     100,784     189,961            .            .       89,178      100,784      189,961
29 Franklin          53,115      24,456      77,571       73,431            .      126,546       24,456      151,002
30 Gadsden           74,597      27,312     101,908       67,228            .      141,824       27,312      169,136
31 Gilchrist         20,455       3,226      23,680       25,338            .       45,793        3,226       49,018
32 Glades             9,559       1,633      11,192       21,349            .       30,908        1,633       32,541
33 Gulf              30,026      16,320      46,346       17,711        2,987       50,723       16,320       67,043
34 Hamilton          23,238       7,728      30,965       11,825        3,592       38,654        7,728       46,382
35 Hardee            48,545      16,763      65,308       32,131            .       80,675       16,763       97,439
36 Hendry            92,744      33,938     126,682       14,698            .      107,442       33,938      141,381
37 Hernando         457,745      29,334     487,079            .            .      457,745       29,334      487,079
38 Highlands        271,758      66,817     338,576            .            .      271,758       66,817      338,576
39 Hillsboroug    5,475,944   2,232,543   7,708,486            .            .    5,475,944    2,232,543    7,708,486
40 Holmes            26,255       6,876      33,131       30,106        2,051       58,412        6,876       65,288
41 Indian Rive      461,610     188,002     649,612            .            .      461,610      188,002      649,612
42 Jackson          113,515      46,326     159,841       24,016        8,055      145,586       46,326      191,912
43 Jefferson         32,483       7,557      40,040       12,327            .       44,810        7,557       52,367
44 Lafayette          7,836       1,289       9,125       10,840        1,809       20,486        1,289       21,774
45 Lake             629,026     320,108     949,134            .            .      629,026      320,108      949,134
46 Lee            2,116,621   1,064,088   3,180,709            .            .    2,116,621    1,064,088    3,180,709
47 Leon             804,119     616,795   1,420,913            .            .      804,119      616,795    1,420,913
48 Levy              91,254      26,240     117,493       23,176            .      114,430       26,240      140,670
49 Liberty           10,378       1,921      12,299       10,003        2,053       22,434        1,921       24,355
50 Madison           34,181       9,669      43,850       25,260        2,269       61,710        9,669       71,379
51 Manatee        1,159,943     357,334   1,517,276            .            .    1,159,943      357,334    1,517,276
52 Marion         1,123,770     253,648   1,377,417            .            .    1,123,770      253,648    1,377,417
53 Martin           764,962     110,943     875,905            .            .      764,962      110,943      875,905
54 Monroe           617,096     415,539   1,032,636            .            .      617,096      415,539    1,032,636
55 Nassau           245,141      68,640     313,782            .            .      245,141       68,640      313,782
56 Okaloosa         964,696     459,103   1,423,799            .            .      964,696      459,103    1,423,799
57 Okeechobee       113,358      17,892     131,250            .            .      113,358       17,892      131,250
58 Orange         8,290,533   3,245,286  11,535,819            .            .    8,290,533    3,245,286   11,535,819
59 Osceola        1,044,259     452,546   1,496,806            .            .    1,044,259      452,546    1,496,806
60 Palm Beach     4,486,909   3,001,322   7,488,232            .            .    4,486,909    3,001,322    7,488,232
61 Pasco          1,194,617     130,093   1,324,710            .            .    1,194,617      130,093    1,324,710
62 Pinellas       2,863,713   2,560,543   5,424,256            .            .    2,863,713    2,560,543    5,424,256
63 Polk           1,684,182     725,538   2,409,720            .            .    1,684,182      725,538    2,409,720
64 Putnam           173,404      40,035     213,440            .            .      173,404       40,035      213,440
65 St. Johns        663,048     108,360     771,408            .            .      663,048      108,360      771,408
66 St. Lucie        437,334     366,208     803,542            .            .      437,334      366,208      803,542
67 Santa Rosa       333,278      46,324     379,602            .            .      333,278       46,324      379,602
68 Sarasota       1,637,203     529,475   2,166,679            .            .    1,637,203      529,475    2,166,679
69 Seminole       1,541,592     933,445   2,475,037            .            .    1,541,592      933,445    2,475,037
70 Sumter           108,670      23,188     131,858       50,866        8,771      168,307       23,188      191,495
71 Suwannee          91,194      20,736     111,930       25,706            .      116,900       20,736      137,636
72 Taylor            49,784      22,106      71,890            .            .       49,784       22,106       71,890
73 Union             18,111       4,935      23,046       14,403        5,786       38,299        4,935       43,234
74 Volusia        1,299,957   1,296,791   2,596,748            .            .    1,299,957    1,296,791    2,596,748
75 Wakulla           46,952       1,810      48,762       31,097            .       78,049        1,810       79,859
76 Walton           418,743      83,804     502,546            .            .      418,743       83,804      502,546
77 Washington        43,352      13,438      56,790       25,863            .       69,215       13,438       82,653
   STATE TOTAL   69,181,251  34,660,726 103,841,977      652,322       49,413   69,882,986   34,660,726  104,543,712

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