VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JULY,      2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: October 18, 2001

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          783,564     525,970   1,309,533            .            .      783,564      525,970    1,309,533
12 Baker             42,270      11,047      53,317       31,494        2,677       76,442       11,047       87,489
13 Bay              856,791     636,736   1,493,527            .            .      856,791      636,736    1,493,527
14 Bradford          66,223      22,008      88,231       17,271        5,694       89,188       22,008      111,196
15 Brevard        1,576,107   1,211,795   2,787,902            .            .    1,576,107    1,211,795    2,787,902
16 Broward        5,295,079   7,087,471  12,382,550            .            .    5,295,079    7,087,471   12,382,550
17 Calhoun           24,166       6,404      30,570       17,579        2,166       43,912        6,404       50,315
18 Charlotte        686,568      71,384     757,952            .            .      686,568       71,384      757,952
19 Citrus           453,106      46,251     499,358            .            .      453,106       46,251      499,358
20 Clay             643,074      82,527     725,600            .            .      643,074       82,527      725,600
21 Collier        1,905,355     311,874   2,217,229            .            .    1,905,355      311,874    2,217,229
22 Columbia         249,837      51,508     301,345            .            .      249,837       51,508      301,345
23 Dade           9,038,059   5,127,690  14,165,748            .            .    9,038,059    5,127,690   14,165,748
24 DeSoto            82,578      21,956     104,534       21,996            .      104,574       21,956      126,530
25 Dixie             27,944       5,426      33,370       21,693        1,502       51,139        5,426       56,565
26 Duval          6,014,829     352,107   6,366,936            .            .    6,014,829      352,107    6,366,936
27 Escambia       1,568,160     353,464   1,921,624            .            .    1,568,160      353,464    1,921,624
28 Flagler           98,195     110,975     209,170            .            .       98,195      110,975      209,170
29 Franklin          55,446      25,530      80,975       76,990            .      132,435       25,530      157,965
30 Gadsden           93,078      34,078     127,155       70,486            .      163,563       34,078      197,641
31 Gilchrist         30,678       4,838      35,516       26,566            .       57,244        4,838       62,081
32 Glades            12,294       2,100      14,394       22,384            .       34,677        2,100       36,778
33 Gulf              29,782      16,187      45,969       18,569        2,987       51,338       16,187       67,525
34 Hamilton          25,249       8,396      33,645       12,398        3,592       41,239        8,396       49,635
35 Hardee            16,859       5,822      22,681       33,688            .       50,547        5,822       56,369
36 Hendry           108,008      39,524     147,532       15,410            .      123,418       39,524      162,942
37 Hernando         451,387      28,927     480,314            .            .      451,387       28,927      480,314
38 Highlands        317,497      78,063     395,560            .            .      317,497       78,063      395,560
39 Hillsboroug    6,020,742   2,454,657   8,475,399            .            .    6,020,742    2,454,657    8,475,399
40 Holmes            29,715       7,782      37,497       31,565        2,051       63,331        7,782       71,113
41 Indian Rive      513,763     209,243     723,006            .            .      513,763      209,243      723,006
42 Jackson          122,049      49,809     171,858       25,180        8,055      155,284       49,809      205,093
43 Jefferson         29,366       6,832      36,198       12,925            .       42,291        6,832       49,122
44 Lafayette          9,107       1,498      10,604       11,366        1,809       22,281        1,498       23,779
45 Lake             654,064     332,849     986,914            .            .      654,064      332,849      986,914
46 Lee            2,247,295   1,129,782   3,377,077            .            .    2,247,295    1,129,782    3,377,077
47 Leon             908,194     696,625   1,604,819            .            .      908,194      696,625    1,604,819
48 Levy              95,371      27,423     122,794       24,300            .      119,671       27,423      147,094
49 Liberty           11,865       2,196      14,061       10,488        2,053       24,406        2,196       26,602
50 Madison           41,713      11,799      53,512       26,484        2,269       70,466       11,799       82,265
51 Manatee        1,146,603     353,224   1,499,826            .            .    1,146,603      353,224    1,499,826
52 Marion         1,218,453     275,019   1,493,472            .            .    1,218,453      275,019    1,493,472
53 Martin           842,328     122,163     964,491            .            .      842,328      122,163      964,491
54 Monroe           618,090     416,208   1,034,298            .            .      618,090      416,208    1,034,298
55 Nassau           284,360      79,622     363,982            .            .      284,360       79,622      363,982
56 Okaloosa       1,087,428     517,511   1,604,939            .            .    1,087,428      517,511    1,604,939
57 Okeechobee       111,449      17,590     129,040            .            .      111,449       17,590      129,040
58 Orange         8,738,926   3,420,807  12,159,733            .            .    8,738,926    3,420,807   12,159,733
59 Osceola          907,042     393,081   1,300,123            .            .      907,042      393,081    1,300,123
60 Palm Beach     4,546,361   3,041,090   7,587,451            .            .    4,546,361    3,041,090    7,587,451
61 Pasco          1,277,422     139,110   1,416,532            .            .    1,277,422      139,110    1,416,532
62 Pinellas       3,119,528   2,789,277   5,908,805            .            .    3,119,528    2,789,277    5,908,805
63 Polk           1,827,565     787,306   2,614,871            .            .    1,827,565      787,306    2,614,871
64 Putnam           173,151      39,977     213,127            .            .      173,151       39,977      213,127
65 St. Johns        695,939     113,735     809,674            .            .      695,939      113,735      809,674
66 St. Lucie        455,468     381,393     836,861            .            .      455,468      381,393      836,861
67 Santa Rosa       379,452      52,742     432,195            .            .      379,452       52,742      432,195
68 Sarasota       1,786,198     577,660   2,363,858            .            .    1,786,198      577,660    2,363,858
69 Seminole       1,686,891   1,021,425   2,708,315            .            .    1,686,891    1,021,425    2,708,315
70 Sumter           120,384      25,687     146,072       53,331        8,771      182,487       25,687      208,174
71 Suwannee          99,314      22,583     121,897       26,952            .      126,266       22,583      148,849
72 Taylor            49,576      22,014      71,590            .            .       49,576       22,014       71,590
73 Union             19,842       5,407      25,248       15,101        5,786       40,728        5,407       46,135
74 Volusia        1,324,983   1,321,755   2,646,738            .            .    1,324,983    1,321,755    2,646,738
75 Wakulla           47,728       1,840      49,568       32,604            .       80,332        1,840       82,172
76 Walton           468,589      93,779     562,369            .            .      468,589       93,779      562,369
77 Washington        40,697      12,615      53,313       27,116            .       67,813       12,615       80,429
   STATE TOTAL   74,309,192  37,255,171 111,564,363      683,934       49,413   75,042,539   37,255,171  112,297,709

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