VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: JUNE,      2000                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 30, 2000

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                             (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 6/2000)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          741,303     503,318   1,244,621            .            .      741,303      503,318    1,244,621
12 Baker             45,365      12,065      57,430       25,583            .       70,948       12,065       83,013
13*Bay              692,195     514,074   1,206,270            .            .      692,195      514,074    1,206,270
14 Bradford          67,614      22,482      90,096        9,235        7,641       84,490       22,482      106,972
15*Brevard        1,506,589   1,163,809   2,670,398            .            .    1,506,589    1,163,809    2,670,398
16*Broward        4,916,023   6,507,390  11,423,413            .            .    4,916,023    6,507,390   11,423,413
17 Calhoun           29,837       8,232      38,069       15,905        2,284       48,027        8,232       56,259
18*Charlotte        671,443      66,485     737,928            .            .      671,443       66,485      737,928
19*Citrus           424,175      43,957     468,133            .            .      424,175       43,957      468,133
20*Clay             594,541      77,146     671,687            .            .      594,541       77,146      671,687
21*Collier        1,851,334     316,329   2,167,663            .            .    1,851,334      316,329    2,167,663
22 Columbia         231,094      48,211     279,305            .            .      231,094       48,211      279,305
23*Dade           8,548,805   4,906,018  13,454,823            .            .    8,548,805    4,906,018   13,454,823
24 DeSoto            81,824      21,951     103,775       12,138            .       93,962       21,951      115,913
25 Dixie             26,860       5,280      32,140       19,866            .       46,727        5,280       52,007
26*Duval          5,694,948     333,166   6,028,114            .            .    5,694,948      333,166    6,028,114
27*Escambia       1,477,380     340,604   1,817,984            .            .    1,477,380      340,604    1,817,984
28 Flagler           92,019     104,346     196,366       19,021            .      111,040      104,346      215,386
29 Franklin          40,924      19,156      60,080        6,807            .       47,731       19,156       66,887
30 Gadsden           79,011      28,736     107,747       81,115            .      160,127       28,736      188,862
31 Gilchrist         21,751       3,544      25,295       22,945            .       44,696        3,544       48,240
32 Glades            12,431       2,276      14,707       19,716        1,502       33,649        2,276       35,925
33 Gulf              28,613      15,817      44,429       18,323        2,526       49,461       15,817       65,278
34 Hamilton          21,570       7,217      28,786            .        3,235       24,805        7,217       32,022
35 Hardee            63,294      21,893      85,187       18,274            .       81,567       21,893      103,460
36 Hendry           108,809      39,715     148,524            .            .      108,809       39,715      148,524
37*Hernando         428,962      27,665     456,627            .            .      428,962       27,665      456,627
38 Highlands        268,398      66,881     335,279            .            .      268,398       66,881      335,279
39*Hillsboroug    5,937,214   2,445,545   8,382,760            .            .    5,937,214    2,445,545    8,382,760
40 Holmes            29,279       7,974      37,253       26,505            .       55,784        7,974       63,758
41 Indian Rive      488,716     199,531     688,247            .            .      488,716      199,531      688,247
42 Jackson          121,398      49,203     170,601       29,330        9,638      160,366       49,203      209,569
43 Jefferson         30,615       7,242      37,857       17,835            .       48,450        7,242       55,692
44 Lafayette          9,550       1,623      11,173       12,176        1,820       23,545        1,623       25,168
45 Lake             650,646     337,104     987,750            .            .      650,646      337,104      987,750
46*Lee            2,243,156   1,132,950   3,376,105            .            .    2,243,156    1,132,950    3,376,105
47*Leon             852,353     655,493   1,507,846            .            .      852,353      655,493    1,507,846
48 Levy             103,812      29,276     133,088       17,032            .      120,844       29,276      150,120
49 Liberty           10,297       1,952      12,249       11,553        2,566       24,416        1,952       26,368
50 Madison           37,055      10,687      47,742       29,210            .       66,265       10,687       76,952
51*Manatee        1,136,590     353,362   1,489,952            .            .    1,136,590      353,362    1,489,952
52 Marion         1,174,407     268,222   1,442,628            .            .    1,174,407      268,222    1,442,628
53 Martin           807,135     123,706     930,842            .            .      807,135      123,706      930,842
54*Monroe           591,727     403,950     995,678            .            .      591,727      403,950      995,678
55*Nassau           246,769      70,316     317,085            .            .      246,769       70,316      317,085
56*Okaloosa         859,239     411,292   1,270,531            .            .      859,239      411,292    1,270,531
57 Okeechobee       129,140      20,478     149,618            .            .      129,140       20,478      149,618
58*Orange         8,646,112   3,370,686  12,016,798            .            .    8,646,112    3,370,686   12,016,798
59*Osceola          827,612     360,837   1,188,449            .            .      827,612      360,837    1,188,449
60*Palm Beach     4,907,662   3,274,271   8,181,933            .            .    4,907,662    3,274,271    8,181,933
61 Pasco          1,232,310     136,171   1,368,481            .            .    1,232,310      136,171    1,368,481
62*Pinellas       3,013,373   2,695,797   5,709,170            .            .    3,013,373    2,695,797    5,709,170
63*Polk           1,830,874     798,876   2,629,750            .            .    1,830,874      798,876    2,629,750
64 Putnam           199,994      46,508     246,502            .            .      199,994       46,508      246,502
65*St. Johns        658,311     109,133     767,444            .            .      658,311      109,133      767,444
66*St. Lucie        454,812     378,205     833,017            .            .      454,812      378,205      833,017
67*Santa Rosa       310,339      44,040     354,380            .            .      310,339       44,040      354,380
68*Sarasota       1,770,079     574,012   2,344,092            .            .    1,770,079      574,012    2,344,092
69*Seminole       1,632,237     990,127   2,622,363            .            .    1,632,237      990,127    2,622,363
70 Sumter           110,943      24,956     135,899       45,763       10,366      167,072       24,956      192,028
71 Suwannee          96,587      22,301     118,887       21,988            .      118,575       22,301      140,875
72 Taylor            62,134      27,941      90,075            .            .       62,134       27,941       90,075
73 Union             19,966       5,699      25,665       14,707        7,836       42,509        5,699       48,208
74*Volusia        1,225,303   1,225,186   2,450,489            .            .    1,225,303    1,225,186    2,450,489
75 Wakulla           48,305       1,943      50,248       22,166            .       70,471        1,943       72,414
76*Walton           300,559      63,695     364,255            .            .      300,559       63,695      364,255
77 Washington        39,139      12,728      51,867       26,959            .       66,098       12,728       78,826
   STATE TOTAL   71,612,864  35,920,782 107,533,647      544,153       49,413   72,206,430   35,920,782  108,127,213

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