VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MAY,       2003                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 8, 2003

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          882,108     544,331   1,426,439            .            .      882,108      544,331    1,426,439
12 Baker             51,546      13,689      65,235       29,994        2,754       84,294       13,689       97,983
13 Bay              727,072     556,901   1,283,972            .            .      727,072      556,901    1,283,972
14 Bradford          64,720      22,515      87,235       18,113        5,134       87,967       22,515      110,482
15 Brevard        1,768,824   1,336,841   3,105,666            .            .    1,768,824    1,336,841    3,105,666
16 Broward        5,614,070   7,668,647  13,282,717            .            .    5,614,070    7,668,647   13,282,717
17 Calhoun           22,866       6,328      29,194       20,765        1,930       45,560        6,328       51,888
18 Charlotte        805,182      88,466     893,648            .            .      805,182       88,466      893,648
19 Citrus           529,282      46,561     575,843            .            .      529,282       46,561      575,843
20 Clay             687,233      82,118     769,351            .            .      687,233       82,118      769,351
21 Collier        2,507,622     370,669   2,878,290            .            .    2,507,622      370,669    2,878,290
22 Columbia         290,813      56,941     347,754            .            .      290,813       56,941      347,754
23 Dade           9,736,752   5,471,805  15,208,557            .            .    9,736,752    5,471,805   15,208,557
24 DeSoto            91,516      21,569     113,085       20,486            .      112,002       21,569      133,571
25 Dixie             25,627       4,244      29,870       24,935            .       50,562        4,244       54,805
26 Duval          6,311,535     351,524   6,663,059            .            .    6,311,535      351,524    6,663,059
27 Escambia       1,592,700     335,320   1,928,020            .            .    1,592,700      335,320    1,928,020
28 Flagler          113,994     127,127     241,121       91,274            .      205,268      127,127      332,395
29 Franklin          47,436      20,250      67,685            .            .       47,436       20,250       67,685
30 Gadsden           89,742      35,316     125,058       72,123            .      161,864       35,316      197,180
31 Gilchrist         21,836       3,771      25,606       27,503            .       49,339        3,771       53,109
32 Glades            11,226       1,993      13,219       23,615            .       34,841        1,993       36,833
33 Gulf              28,817      14,589      43,406       19,906        4,187       52,910       14,589       67,500
34 Hamilton          23,290       7,974      31,264       19,362        4,108       46,760        7,974       54,734
35 Hardee            53,339      20,873      74,212       41,735            .       95,074       20,873      115,947
36 Hendry           118,932      40,192     159,124       15,308            .      134,241       40,192      174,432
37 Hernando         535,451      29,814     565,265            .            .      535,451       29,814      565,265
38 Highlands        348,894      85,244     434,138            .            .      348,894       85,244      434,138
39 Hillsboroug    6,492,743   2,578,813   9,071,555            .            .    6,492,743    2,578,813    9,071,555
40 Holmes            30,605       7,706      38,311       33,325        2,083       66,013        7,706       73,719
41 Indian Rive      612,286     255,314     867,600            .            .      612,286      255,314      867,600
42 Jackson          137,800      54,070     191,869       31,750        7,983      177,533       54,070      231,603
43 Jefferson         32,894       7,268      40,162       13,534            .       46,428        7,268       53,695
44 Lafayette          9,624       1,726      11,350        8,782        1,766       20,172        1,726       21,898
45 Lake             797,975     400,577   1,198,552            .            .      797,975      400,577    1,198,552
46 Lee            2,758,090   1,485,917   4,244,007            .            .    2,758,090    1,485,917    4,244,007
47 Leon             942,164     747,151   1,689,315            .            .      942,164      747,151    1,689,315
48 Levy             104,837      28,955     133,793       29,304            .      134,141       28,955      163,096
49 Liberty            9,821       1,548      11,368       10,284        2,157       22,261        1,548       23,809
50 Madison           32,592       8,712      41,304       26,259        2,301       61,152        8,712       69,864
51 Manatee        1,413,771     420,857   1,834,627            .            .    1,413,771      420,857    1,834,627
52 Marion         1,369,860     294,890   1,664,750            .            .    1,369,860      294,890    1,664,750
53 Martin         1,023,735     149,233   1,172,967            .            .    1,023,735      149,233    1,172,967
54 Monroe           730,863     489,291   1,220,154            .            .      730,863      489,291    1,220,154
55 Nassau           298,652      79,443     378,094            .            .      298,652       79,443      378,094
56 Okaloosa         953,327     455,902   1,409,229            .            .      953,327      455,902    1,409,229
57 Okeechobee       149,240      24,409     173,649            .            .      149,240       24,409      173,649
58 Orange         9,139,801   3,503,462  12,643,264            .            .    9,139,801    3,503,462   12,643,264
59 Osceola        1,024,542     462,334   1,486,875            .            .    1,024,542      462,334    1,486,875
60 Palm Beach     5,650,816   3,731,952   9,382,767            .            .    5,650,816    3,731,952    9,382,767
61 Pasco          1,518,548     169,263   1,687,811            .            .    1,518,548      169,263    1,687,811
62 Pinellas       3,303,714   2,986,282   6,289,996            .            .    3,303,714    2,986,282    6,289,996
63 Polk           2,082,061     922,114   3,004,174            .            .    2,082,061      922,114    3,004,174
64 Putnam           223,321      50,022     273,344            .            .      223,321       50,022      273,344
65 St. Johns        781,989     116,551     898,540            .            .      781,989      116,551      898,540
66 St. Lucie        540,305     458,706     999,011            .            .      540,305      458,706      999,011
67 Santa Rosa       410,141      47,630     457,771            .            .      410,141       47,630      457,771
68 Sarasota       2,153,670     733,468   2,887,138            .            .    2,153,670      733,468    2,887,138
69 Seminole       1,760,499   1,074,405   2,834,904            .            .    1,760,499    1,074,405    2,834,904
70 Sumter           148,637      25,633     174,270       58,978        8,755      216,370       25,633      242,003
71 Suwannee         111,105      23,912     135,017       31,697            .      142,802       23,912      166,714
72 Taylor            64,014      27,186      91,200       13,277            .       77,291       27,186      104,476
73 Union             19,788       5,288      25,076       16,390        6,255       42,433        5,288       47,721
74 Volusia        1,414,757   1,450,555   2,865,312            .            .    1,414,757    1,450,555    2,865,312
75 Wakulla           57,452       1,747      59,199       35,640            .       93,092        1,747       94,840
76 Walton           364,482      64,781     429,263            .            .      364,482       64,781      429,263
77 Washington        43,910      12,266      56,176       30,290            .       74,200       12,266       86,466
   STATE TOTAL   81,816,855  40,724,942 122,541,797      764,628       49,413   82,630,896   40,724,942  123,355,838

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