VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MAY,       2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: August 7, 2002

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          822,855     517,886   1,340,740            .            .      822,855      517,886    1,340,740
12 Baker             46,207      12,091      58,298       32,669        2,677       81,553       12,091       93,644
13 Bay              667,269     515,010   1,182,279            .            .      667,269      515,010    1,182,279
14 Bradford          60,769      21,101      81,870       17,915        5,694       84,378       21,101      105,479
15 Brevard        1,639,024   1,242,204   2,881,228            .            .    1,639,024    1,242,204    2,881,228
16 Broward        5,322,628   7,195,262  12,517,890            .            .    5,322,628    7,195,262   12,517,890
17 Calhoun           21,167       5,854      27,021       18,234        2,166       41,568        5,854       47,422
18 Charlotte        768,763      80,932     849,695            .            .      768,763       80,932      849,695
19 Citrus           491,786      44,110     535,896            .            .      491,786       44,110      535,896
20 Clay             638,520      77,310     715,831            .            .      638,520       77,310      715,831
21 Collier        2,362,751     358,980   2,721,731            .            .    2,362,751      358,980    2,721,731
22 Columbia         265,023      52,039     317,063            .            .      265,023       52,039      317,063
23 Dade           9,156,050   5,188,914  14,344,964            .            .    9,156,050    5,188,914   14,344,964
24 DeSoto            86,846      20,445     107,291       22,816            .      109,662       20,445      130,107
25 Dixie             23,332       3,783      27,115       22,502        1,502       47,336        3,783       51,119
26 Duval          5,839,538     330,683   6,170,221            .            .    5,839,538      330,683    6,170,221
27 Escambia       1,488,137     315,588   1,803,725            .            .    1,488,137      315,588    1,803,725
28 Flagler          106,631     117,976     224,607       79,860            .      186,491      117,976      304,467
29 Franklin          45,091      17,130      62,221            .            .       45,091       17,130       62,221
30 Gadsden           85,960      33,513     119,473       73,114            .      159,073       33,513      192,587
31 Gilchrist         20,143       3,512      23,655       27,556            .       47,699        3,512       51,211
32 Glades            12,316       2,164      14,480       23,218            .       35,534        2,164       37,698
33 Gulf              26,028      13,765      39,793       19,261        2,987       48,276       13,765       62,041
34 Hamilton          20,560       7,186      27,746       12,860        3,592       37,012        7,186       44,198
35 Hardee            49,408      19,361      68,768       34,944            .       84,352       19,361      103,712
36 Hendry            75,686      25,664     101,350       15,985            .       91,671       25,664      117,335
37 Hernando         499,325      28,368     527,693            .            .      499,325       28,368      527,693
38 Highlands        325,447      80,144     405,591            .            .      325,447       80,144      405,591
39 Hillsboroug    6,044,725   2,429,646   8,474,371            .            .    6,044,725    2,429,646    8,474,371
40 Holmes            26,296       9,059      35,355       32,742        2,051       61,089        9,059       70,148
41 Indian Rive      577,911     241,388     819,299            .            .      577,911      241,388      819,299
42 Jackson          124,112      48,850     172,962       26,119        8,055      158,286       48,850      207,135
43 Jefferson         29,679       6,649      36,328       13,407            .       43,086        6,649       49,735
44 Lafayette         11,175       2,004      13,179       11,789        1,809       24,773        2,004       26,777
45 Lake             739,005     372,159   1,111,164            .            .      739,005      372,159    1,111,164
46 Lee            2,626,263   1,371,128   3,997,391            .            .    2,626,263    1,371,128    3,997,391
47 Leon             868,104     688,087   1,556,191            .            .      868,104      688,087    1,556,191
48 Levy              95,118      26,696     121,814       25,205            .      120,323       26,696      147,020
49 Liberty            8,911       1,404      10,315       10,879        2,053       21,843        1,404       23,246
50 Madison           30,590       8,177      38,767       27,471        2,269       60,330        8,177       68,507
51 Manatee        1,324,903     402,471   1,727,375            .            .    1,324,903      402,471    1,727,375
52 Marion         1,260,842     275,484   1,536,326            .            .    1,260,842      275,484    1,536,326
53 Martin           967,228     141,990   1,109,218            .            .      967,228      141,990    1,109,218
54 Monroe           692,421     463,859   1,156,280            .            .      692,421      463,859    1,156,280
55 Nassau           255,740      68,614     324,354            .            .      255,740       68,614      324,354
56 Okaloosa         876,209     420,539   1,296,747            .            .      876,209      420,539    1,296,747
57 Okeechobee       139,975      23,113     163,088            .            .      139,975       23,113      163,088
58 Orange         8,627,456   3,285,674  11,913,130            .            .    8,627,456    3,285,674   11,913,130
59 Osceola          948,421     430,230   1,378,651            .            .      948,421      430,230    1,378,651
60 Palm Beach     5,307,193   3,501,337   8,808,530            .            .    5,307,193    3,501,337    8,808,530
61 Pasco          1,412,390     159,130   1,571,521            .            .    1,412,390      159,130    1,571,521
62 Pinellas       3,083,762   2,784,107   5,867,868            .            .    3,083,762    2,784,107    5,867,868
63 Polk           1,849,683     809,998   2,659,680            .            .    1,849,683      809,998    2,659,680
64 Putnam           206,933      46,575     253,508            .            .      206,933       46,575      253,508
65 St. Johns        709,231     101,509     810,741            .            .      709,231      101,509      810,741
66 St. Lucie        513,431     433,358     946,788            .            .      513,431      433,358      946,788
67 Santa Rosa       374,456      44,258     418,714            .            .      374,456       44,258      418,714
68 Sarasota       2,014,134     676,426   2,690,560            .            .    2,014,134      676,426    2,690,560
69 Seminole       1,627,294     994,150   2,621,444            .            .    1,627,294      994,150    2,621,444
70 Sumter           135,475      25,201     160,676       55,319        8,771      199,566       25,201      224,767
71 Suwannee         106,784      23,609     130,394       27,957            .      134,742       23,609      158,351
72 Taylor            60,753      26,004      86,757            .            .       60,753       26,004       86,757
73 Union             20,997       5,567      26,565       15,664        5,786       42,447        5,567       48,014
74 Volusia        1,315,981   1,346,427   2,662,408            .            .    1,315,981    1,346,427    2,662,408
75 Wakulla           54,418       1,741      56,159       33,820            .       88,238        1,741       89,979
76 Walton           332,899      62,641     395,540            .            .      332,899       62,641      395,540
77 Washington        42,269      12,091      54,360       28,127            .       70,396       12,091       82,487
   STATE TOTAL   76,410,430  38,102,322 114,512,752      709,433       49,413   77,169,276   38,102,322  115,271,598

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