VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MAY,       2001                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: September 17, 2001

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          742,349     498,304   1,240,654            .            .      742,349      498,304    1,240,654
12 Baker             40,885      10,685      51,570       30,945        2,803       74,633       10,685       85,318
13*Bay              681,352     506,356   1,187,707            .            .      681,352      506,356    1,187,707
14 Bradford          72,667      24,149      96,816       18,047        6,505       97,219       24,149      121,368
15*Brevard        1,475,859   1,134,719   2,610,577            .            .    1,475,859    1,134,719    2,610,577
16*Broward        5,093,917   6,818,215  11,912,132            .            .    5,093,917    6,818,215   11,912,132
17 Calhoun           17,829       4,724      22,553       23,443        2,299       43,571        4,724       48,295
18*Charlotte        772,796      80,349     853,145            .            .      772,796       80,349      853,145
19*Citrus           468,837      47,857     516,695            .            .      468,837       47,857      516,695
20*Clay             588,829      75,565     664,394            .            .      588,829       75,565      664,394
21*Collier        2,308,775     377,907   2,686,682            .            .    2,308,775      377,907    2,686,682
22 Columbia         244,280      50,362     294,642            .            .      244,280       50,362      294,642
23*Dade           8,798,968   4,992,043  13,791,011            .            .    8,798,968    4,992,043   13,791,011
24 DeSoto            76,879      20,441      97,320       17,458            .       94,336       20,441      114,778
25 Dixie             21,434       4,162      25,596       24,367            .       45,802        4,162       49,964
26*Duval          5,234,948     306,453   5,541,401            .            .    5,234,948      306,453    5,541,401
27*Escambia       1,416,700     319,325   1,736,025            .            .    1,416,700      319,325    1,736,025
28 Flagler           92,702     104,767     197,469            .            .       92,702      104,767      197,469
29 Franklin          41,100      18,924      60,024        8,523            .       49,623       18,924       68,547
30 Gadsden           73,161      26,786      99,947       96,647            .      169,807       26,786      196,593
31 Gilchrist         21,665       3,416      25,081       27,845            .       49,509        3,416       52,926
32 Glades             8,202       1,401       9,604       23,517        1,298       33,018        1,401       34,419
33 Gulf              21,266      11,559      32,825       23,543        2,150       46,959       11,559       58,518
34 Hamilton          21,238       7,063      28,301       10,409        3,221       34,868        7,063       41,931
35 Hardee            43,283      14,946      58,229       23,924            .       67,206       14,946       82,153
36 Hendry           103,058      37,712     140,770            .            .      103,058       37,712      140,770
37*Hernando         438,524      28,103     466,627            .            .      438,524       28,103      466,627
38 Highlands        299,888      73,734     373,622            .            .      299,888       73,734      373,622
39*Hillsboroug    6,055,455   2,468,810   8,524,265            .            .    6,055,455    2,468,810    8,524,265
40 Holmes            28,159       7,375      35,535       34,661            .       62,821        7,375       70,196
41 Indian Rive      578,232     235,499     813,731            .            .      578,232      235,499      813,731
42 Jackson          100,234      40,906     141,140       43,763        8,503      152,500       40,906      193,406
43 Jefferson         31,071       7,228      38,299       19,217            .       50,287        7,228       57,516
44 Lafayette          4,982         819       5,801       14,034        1,463       20,480          819       21,299
45 Lake             677,184     344,615   1,021,798            .            .      677,184      344,615    1,021,798
46*Lee            2,474,965   1,244,238   3,719,203            .            .    2,474,965    1,244,238    3,719,203
47*Leon             837,807     642,635   1,480,441            .            .      837,807      642,635    1,480,441
48 Levy              91,426      26,289     117,715       26,745            .      118,171       26,289      144,460
49 Liberty            7,021       1,299       8,321       15,367        2,448       24,837        1,299       26,136
50 Madison           36,930      10,446      47,377       35,240        2,586       74,756       10,446       85,203
51*Manatee        1,236,312     380,860   1,617,172            .            .    1,236,312      380,860    1,617,172
52 Marion         1,250,565     282,267   1,532,831            .            .    1,250,565      282,267    1,532,831
53 Martin           854,801     123,972     978,773            .            .      854,801      123,972      978,773
54*Monroe           690,371     464,881   1,155,252            .            .      690,371      464,881    1,155,252
55*Nassau           262,719      73,562     336,281            .            .      262,719       73,562      336,281
56*Okaloosa         879,720     418,662   1,298,381            .            .      879,720      418,662    1,298,381
57 Okeechobee       131,605      20,772     152,377            .            .      131,605       20,772      152,377
58*Orange         8,978,593   3,514,623  12,493,216            .            .    8,978,593    3,514,623   12,493,216
59*Osceola          740,842     321,055   1,061,897            .            .      740,842      321,055    1,061,897
60*Palm Beach     5,368,603   3,591,093   8,959,695            .            .    5,368,603    3,591,093    8,959,695
61 Pasco          1,223,005     133,184   1,356,189            .            .    1,223,005      133,184    1,356,189
62*Pinellas       3,027,545   2,707,031   5,734,576            .            .    3,027,545    2,707,031    5,734,576
63*Polk           1,960,291     844,484   2,804,775            .            .    1,960,291      844,484    2,804,775
64 Putnam           207,195      47,837     255,031            .            .      207,195       47,837      255,031
65*St. Johns        752,767     123,022     875,789            .            .      752,767      123,022      875,789
66*St. Lucie        453,076     379,390     832,466            .            .      453,076      379,390      832,466
67*Santa Rosa       306,596      42,616     349,211            .            .      306,596       42,616      349,211
68*Sarasota       1,902,080     615,137   2,517,216            .            .    1,902,080      615,137    2,517,216
69*Seminole       1,561,266     945,358   2,506,624            .            .    1,561,266      945,358    2,506,624
70 Sumter           134,863      28,777     163,639       62,168        9,096      206,127       28,777      234,903
71 Suwannee          87,445      19,884     107,329       28,268            .      115,713       19,884      135,597
72 Taylor            53,281      23,659      76,941            .            .       53,281       23,659       76,941
73 Union             16,050       4,373      20,423       19,074        7,039       42,163        4,373       46,536
74*Volusia        1,382,727   1,379,359   2,762,085            .            .    1,382,727    1,379,359    2,762,085
75 Wakulla           44,280       1,707      45,988       29,679            .       73,960        1,707       75,667
76*Walton           313,796      62,800     376,597            .            .      313,796       62,800      376,597
77 Washington        37,706      11,688      49,394       33,733            .       71,438       11,688       83,126
   STATE TOTAL   74,002,951  37,192,238 111,195,190      690,615       49,413   74,742,980   37,192,238  111,935,218

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