VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: APRIL,     2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: July 25, 2002

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          878,009     552,598   1,430,607            .            .      878,009      552,598    1,430,607
12 Baker             50,426      13,195      63,621       36,475        2,677       89,578       13,195      102,773
13 Bay              768,303     592,990   1,361,292            .            .      768,303      592,990    1,361,292
14 Bradford          72,580      25,202      97,782       21,681        5,694       99,955       25,202      125,157
15 Brevard        1,790,402   1,356,932   3,147,335            .            .    1,790,402    1,356,932    3,147,335
16 Broward        5,964,522   8,062,992  14,027,514            .            .    5,964,522    8,062,992   14,027,514
17 Calhoun           21,752       6,015      27,767       20,593        2,166       44,511        6,015       50,527
18 Charlotte        929,137      97,815   1,026,952            .            .      929,137       97,815    1,026,952
19 Citrus           550,344      49,363     599,706            .            .      550,344       49,363      599,706
20 Clay             675,619      81,802     757,421            .            .      675,619       81,802      757,421
21 Collier        2,776,193     421,796   3,197,988            .            .    2,776,193      421,796    3,197,988
22 Columbia         288,308      56,611     344,919            .            .      288,308       56,611      344,919
23 Dade           9,955,190   5,641,802  15,596,992            .            .    9,955,190    5,641,802   15,596,992
24 DeSoto            95,130      22,395     117,525       27,417            .      122,547       22,395      144,942
25 Dixie             28,549       4,628      33,177       24,898        1,502       54,949        4,628       59,577
26 Duval          6,188,877     350,465   6,539,342            .            .    6,188,877      350,465    6,539,342
27 Escambia       1,593,128     337,853   1,930,981            .            .    1,593,128      337,853    1,930,981
28 Flagler          108,586     120,139     228,724       83,068            .      191,654      120,139      311,793
29 Franklin          45,606      17,326      62,932            .            .       45,606       17,326       62,932
30 Gadsden           98,029      38,219     136,247       82,173            .      180,201       38,219      218,420
31 Gilchrist         20,782       3,624      24,406       30,063            .       50,845        3,624       54,469
32 Glades            12,699       2,232      14,931       25,095            .       37,794        2,232       40,026
33 Gulf              26,403      13,963      40,366       21,697        2,987       51,087       13,963       65,051
34 Hamilton          21,934       7,666      29,600       15,076        3,592       40,601        7,666       48,268
35 Hardee            49,963      19,578      69,541       38,951            .       88,914       19,578      108,492
36 Hendry           128,556      43,591     172,147       19,627            .      148,183       43,591      191,775
37 Hernando         550,531      31,278     581,809            .            .      550,531       31,278      581,809
38 Highlands        357,544      88,048     445,592            .            .      357,544       88,048      445,592
39 Hillsboroug    6,743,238   2,710,409   9,453,647            .            .    6,743,238    2,710,409    9,453,647
40 Holmes            30,574      10,532      41,106       36,123        2,051       68,748       10,532       79,280
41 Indian Rive      691,573     288,864     980,437            .            .      691,573      288,864      980,437
42 Jackson          133,716      52,630     186,346       33,618        8,055      175,390       52,630      228,020
43 Jefferson         36,383       8,151      44,533       15,780            .       52,163        8,151       60,314
44 Lafayette          8,929       1,601      10,530       12,978        1,809       23,715        1,601       25,316
45 Lake             846,499     426,292   1,272,791            .            .      846,499      426,292    1,272,791
46 Lee            3,231,875   1,687,309   4,919,184            .            .    3,231,875    1,687,309    4,919,184
47 Leon             946,950     750,582   1,697,532            .            .      946,950      750,582    1,697,532
48 Levy             112,512      31,578     144,090       30,871            .      143,383       31,578      174,961
49 Liberty           13,465       2,121      15,587       12,134        2,053       27,652        2,121       29,773
50 Madison           33,682       9,003      42,685       30,845        2,269       66,797        9,003       75,800
51 Manatee        1,612,101     489,714   2,101,815            .            .    1,612,101      489,714    2,101,815
52 Marion         1,416,102     309,407   1,725,509            .            .    1,416,102      309,407    1,725,509
53 Martin         1,096,205     160,923   1,257,128            .            .    1,096,205      160,923    1,257,128
54 Monroe           832,675     557,816   1,390,491            .            .      832,675      557,816    1,390,491
55 Nassau           275,303      73,863     349,166            .            .      275,303       73,863      349,166
56 Okaloosa         928,359     445,568   1,373,928            .            .      928,359      445,568    1,373,928
57 Okeechobee       164,100      27,096     191,196            .            .      164,100       27,096      191,196
58 Orange         9,643,822   3,672,746  13,316,569            .            .    9,643,822    3,672,746   13,316,569
59 Osceola        1,089,483     494,219   1,583,702            .            .    1,089,483      494,219    1,583,702
60 Palm Beach     6,124,474   4,040,525  10,165,000            .            .    6,124,474    4,040,525   10,165,000
61 Pasco          1,558,460     175,588   1,734,047            .            .    1,558,460      175,588    1,734,047
62 Pinellas       3,444,931   3,110,180   6,555,111            .            .    3,444,931    3,110,180    6,555,111
63 Polk           2,134,919     934,906   3,069,826            .            .    2,134,919      934,906    3,069,826
64 Putnam           204,561      46,041     250,603            .            .      204,561       46,041      250,603
65 St. Johns        868,113     124,249     992,363            .            .      868,113      124,249      992,363
66 St. Lucie        557,639     470,671   1,028,310            .            .      557,639      470,671    1,028,310
67 Santa Rosa       396,829      46,902     443,731            .            .      396,829       46,902      443,731
68 Sarasota       2,471,026     829,868   3,300,894            .            .    2,471,026      829,868    3,300,894
69 Seminole       1,802,648   1,101,277   2,903,925            .            .    1,802,648    1,101,277    2,903,925
70 Sumter           148,717      27,664     176,381       63,541        8,771      221,029       27,664      248,693
71 Suwannee         114,385      25,290     139,675       33,874            .      148,260       25,290      173,550
72 Taylor            62,113      26,586      88,699            .            .       62,113       26,586       88,699
73 Union             17,231       4,569      21,800       17,515        5,786       40,532        4,569       45,101
74 Volusia        1,628,848   1,666,533   3,295,381            .            .    1,628,848    1,666,533    3,295,381
75 Wakulla           52,597       1,683      54,280       37,577            .       90,174        1,683       91,857
76 Walton           354,902      66,781     421,682            .            .      354,902       66,781      421,682
77 Washington        51,143      14,629      65,772       31,934            .       83,077       14,629       97,706
   STATE TOTAL   85,928,185  42,984,489 128,912,673      803,606       49,413   86,781,204   42,984,489  129,765,692

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