VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: MARCH,     2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 13, 2002

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          804,209     506,151   1,310,360            .            .      804,209      506,151    1,310,360
12 Baker             48,795      12,768      61,563       33,002        2,677       84,474       12,768       97,243
13 Bay              580,332     447,910   1,028,242            .            .      580,332      447,910    1,028,242
14 Bradford          64,483      22,391      86,873       18,098        5,694       88,274       22,391      110,665
15 Brevard        1,587,684   1,203,293   2,790,977            .            .    1,587,684    1,203,293    2,790,977
16 Broward        5,391,819   7,288,797  12,680,617            .            .    5,391,819    7,288,797   12,680,617
17 Calhoun           20,730       5,733      26,463       18,421        2,166       41,317        5,733       47,050
18 Charlotte        847,435      89,214     936,649            .            .      847,435       89,214      936,649
19 Citrus           509,586      45,707     555,293            .            .      509,586       45,707      555,293
20 Clay             659,941      79,904     739,846            .            .      659,941       79,904      739,846
21 Collier        2,600,216     395,059   2,995,274            .            .    2,600,216      395,059    2,995,274
22 Columbia         268,880      52,796     321,676            .            .      268,880       52,796      321,676
23 Dade           9,297,835   5,269,266  14,567,101            .            .    9,297,835    5,269,266   14,567,101
24 DeSoto            94,587      22,267     116,854       23,049            .      117,635       22,267      139,902
25 Dixie             22,533       3,653      26,186       22,731        1,502       46,767        3,653       50,420
26 Duval          5,909,676     334,654   6,244,330            .            .    5,909,676      334,654    6,244,330
27 Escambia       1,448,085     307,094   1,755,180            .            .    1,448,085      307,094    1,755,180
28 Flagler           98,487     108,965     207,452       80,676            .      179,163      108,965      288,128
29 Franklin          30,928      11,749      42,678            .            .       30,928       11,749       42,678
30 Gadsden           83,102      32,399     115,501       73,860            .      156,963       32,399      189,362
31 Gilchrist         17,849       3,112      20,962       27,838            .       45,687        3,112       48,800
32 Glades            11,965       2,103      14,067       23,455            .       35,420        2,103       37,523
33 Gulf              28,540      15,094      43,634       19,458        2,987       50,985       15,094       66,079
34 Hamilton          20,845       7,286      28,131       12,992        3,592       37,428        7,286       44,714
35 Hardee            52,298      20,493      72,791       35,301            .       87,598       20,493      108,092
36 Hendry           116,542      39,517     156,060       16,148            .      132,690       39,517      172,208
37 Hernando         485,897      27,606     513,503            .            .      485,897       27,606      513,503
38 Highlands        369,764      91,057     460,821            .            .      369,764       91,057      460,821
39 Hillsboroug    6,008,838   2,415,221   8,424,059            .            .    6,008,838    2,415,221    8,424,059
40 Holmes            26,010       8,960      34,970       33,076        2,051       61,137        8,960       70,097
41 Indian Rive      620,167     259,039     879,206            .            .      620,167      259,039      879,206
42 Jackson          124,170      48,872     173,042       26,385        8,055      158,610       48,872      207,483
43 Jefferson         33,664       7,542      41,205       13,543            .       47,207        7,542       54,749
44 Lafayette         12,895       2,312      15,207       11,910        1,809       26,614        2,312       28,926
45 Lake             772,836     389,196   1,162,032            .            .      772,836      389,196    1,162,032
46 Lee            2,850,742   1,488,325   4,339,067            .            .    2,850,742    1,488,325    4,339,067
47 Leon             862,949     684,001   1,546,950            .            .      862,949      684,001    1,546,950
48 Levy             102,586      28,792     131,378       25,463            .      128,049       28,792      156,841
49 Liberty            9,015       1,420      10,435       10,990        2,053       22,058        1,420       23,478
50 Madison           32,563       8,704      41,267       27,752        2,269       62,584        8,704       71,288
51 Manatee        1,342,370     407,777   1,750,147            .            .    1,342,370      407,777    1,750,147
52 Marion         1,233,261     269,457   1,502,718            .            .    1,233,261      269,457    1,502,718
53 Martin         1,010,049     148,276   1,158,325            .            .    1,010,049      148,276    1,158,325
54 Monroe           719,112     481,739   1,200,851            .            .      719,112      481,739    1,200,851
55 Nassau           223,102      59,858     282,960            .            .      223,102       59,858      282,960
56 Okaloosa         778,358     373,575   1,151,932            .            .      778,358      373,575    1,151,932
57 Okeechobee       152,228      25,136     177,364            .            .      152,228       25,136      177,364
58 Orange         8,523,345   3,246,025  11,769,370            .            .    8,523,345    3,246,025   11,769,370
59 Osceola          905,602     410,806   1,316,408            .            .      905,602      410,806    1,316,408
60 Palm Beach     5,701,557   3,761,512   9,463,069            .            .    5,701,557    3,761,512    9,463,069
61 Pasco          1,432,434     161,389   1,593,822            .            .    1,432,434      161,389    1,593,822
62 Pinellas       3,203,843   2,892,519   6,096,362            .            .    3,203,843    2,892,519    6,096,362
63 Polk           1,955,773     856,456   2,812,228            .            .    1,955,773      856,456    2,812,228
64 Putnam           199,313      44,860     244,174            .            .      199,313       44,860      244,174
65 St. Johns        763,967     109,343     873,310            .            .      763,967      109,343      873,310
66 St. Lucie        521,058     439,795     960,854            .            .      521,058      439,795      960,854
67 Santa Rosa       302,474      35,750     338,224            .            .      302,474       35,750      338,224
68 Sarasota       2,160,107     725,449   2,885,556            .            .    2,160,107      725,449    2,885,556
69 Seminole       1,599,179     976,974   2,576,152            .            .    1,599,179      976,974    2,576,152
70 Sumter           156,340      29,082     185,422       55,884        8,771      220,995       29,082      250,078
71 Suwannee         106,932      23,642     130,575       28,243            .      135,175       23,642      158,817
72 Taylor            51,821      22,181      74,002            .            .       51,821       22,181       74,002
73 Union             16,824       4,461      21,284       15,824        5,786       38,433        4,461       42,894
74 Volusia        1,623,502   2,303,245   3,926,747            .            .    1,623,502    2,303,245    3,926,747
75 Wakulla           47,891       1,532      49,423       34,165            .       82,056        1,532       83,588
76 Walton           249,699      46,985     296,684            .            .      249,699       46,985      296,684
77 Washington        45,641      13,055      58,696       28,414            .       74,055       13,055       87,111
   STATE TOTAL   77,955,257  39,659,302 117,614,559      716,678       49,413   78,721,348   39,659,302  118,380,650

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