VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: FEBRUARY,  2003                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 13, 2003

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          834,281     514,818   1,349,099            .            .      834,281      514,818    1,349,099
12 Baker             46,818      12,433      59,251       26,638        2,754       76,210       12,433       88,643
13 Bay              540,895     414,299     955,194            .            .      540,895      414,299      955,194
14 Bradford          57,734      20,084      77,818       15,697        5,134       78,565       20,084       98,649
15 Brevard        1,599,831   1,209,119   2,808,951            .            .    1,599,831    1,209,119    2,808,951
16 Broward        5,253,624   7,176,289  12,429,912            .            .    5,253,624    7,176,289   12,429,912
17 Calhoun           19,892       5,505      25,397       18,539        1,930       40,361        5,505       45,866
18 Charlotte        830,935      91,296     922,231            .            .      830,935       91,296      922,231
19 Citrus           468,719      41,233     509,952            .            .      468,719       41,233      509,952
20 Clay             727,618      86,943     814,561            .            .      727,618       86,943      814,561
21 Collier        2,495,331     368,852   2,864,183            .            .    2,495,331      368,852    2,864,183
22 Columbia         238,049      46,610     284,659            .            .      238,049       46,610      284,659
23 Dade           9,274,640   5,212,110  14,486,751            .            .    9,274,640    5,212,110   14,486,751
24 DeSoto            83,887      19,771     103,657       17,560            .      101,447       19,771      121,217
25 Dixie             31,591       5,231      36,822       22,302            .       53,893        5,231       59,124
26 Duval          5,987,055     333,452   6,320,507            .            .    5,987,055      333,452    6,320,507
27 Escambia       1,444,165     304,048   1,748,213            .            .    1,444,165      304,048    1,748,213
28 Flagler          101,951     113,697     215,648       81,450            .      183,401      113,697      297,097
29 Franklin          27,155      11,592      38,748            .            .       27,155       11,592       38,748
30 Gadsden           72,807      28,652     101,459       64,324            .      137,131       28,652      165,782
31 Gilchrist         18,946       3,272      22,218       24,621            .       43,567        3,272       46,839
32 Glades            11,490       2,040      13,529       21,218            .       32,708        2,040       34,748
33 Gulf              21,360      10,814      32,174       17,733        4,187       43,281       10,814       54,095
34 Hamilton          18,732       6,413      25,145       17,285        4,108       40,125        6,413       46,538
35 Hardee            51,030      19,970      71,000       37,187            .       88,217       19,970      108,187
36 Hendry           126,246      42,663     168,909       12,650            .      138,896       42,663      181,559
37 Hernando         494,300      27,522     521,822            .            .      494,300       27,522      521,822
38 Highlands        361,583      88,344     449,928            .            .      361,583       88,344      449,928
39 Hillsboroug    6,331,438   2,514,745   8,846,183            .            .    6,331,438    2,514,745    8,846,183
40 Holmes            25,674       6,464      32,138       29,814        2,083       57,571        6,464       64,035
41 Indian Rive      617,492     257,484     874,977            .            .      617,492      257,484      874,977
42 Jackson          123,997      48,654     172,651       27,423        7,983      159,404       48,654      208,058
43 Jefferson         27,204       6,010      33,214       11,909            .       39,113        6,010       45,123
44 Lafayette          6,260       1,123       7,382        7,806        1,766       15,831        1,123       16,954
45 Lake             748,413     375,698   1,124,111            .            .      748,413      375,698    1,124,111
46 Lee            2,786,663   1,501,311   4,287,973            .            .    2,786,663    1,501,311    4,287,973
47 Leon             904,999     717,678   1,622,676            .            .      904,999      717,678    1,622,676
48 Levy              87,589      24,192     111,781       25,473            .      113,062       24,192      137,253
49 Liberty            8,781       1,384      10,165        9,186        2,157       20,124        1,384       21,508
50 Madison           29,326       7,839      37,165       23,352        2,301       54,979        7,839       62,818
51 Manatee        1,363,333     405,842   1,769,175            .            .    1,363,333      405,842    1,769,175
52 Marion         1,234,654     265,784   1,500,438            .            .    1,234,654      265,784    1,500,438
53 Martin         1,009,775     147,198   1,156,973            .            .    1,009,775      147,198    1,156,973
54 Monroe           635,612     425,523   1,061,135            .            .      635,612      425,523    1,061,135
55 Nassau           191,119      50,839     241,958            .            .      191,119       50,839      241,958
56 Okaloosa         757,847     362,419   1,120,266            .            .      757,847      362,419    1,120,266
57 Okeechobee       140,681      23,009     163,691            .            .      140,681       23,009      163,691
58 Orange         8,300,254   3,181,647  11,481,902            .            .    8,300,254    3,181,647   11,481,902
59 Osceola          821,999     370,934   1,192,933            .            .      821,999      370,934    1,192,933
60 Palm Beach     5,966,742   3,940,598   9,907,340            .            .    5,966,742    3,940,598    9,907,340
61 Pasco          1,376,692     153,452   1,530,143            .            .    1,376,692      153,452    1,530,143
62 Pinellas       3,148,790   2,846,243   5,995,033            .            .    3,148,790    2,846,243    5,995,033
63 Polk           1,877,184     831,377   2,708,560            .            .    1,877,184      831,377    2,708,560
64 Putnam           183,966      41,207     225,173            .            .      183,966       41,207      225,173
65 St. Johns        865,254     128,962     994,215            .            .      865,254      128,962      994,215
66 St. Lucie        527,271     447,640     974,912            .            .      527,271      447,640      974,912
67 Santa Rosa       369,275      42,884     412,159            .            .      369,275       42,884      412,159
68 Sarasota       2,114,208     720,029   2,834,237            .            .    2,114,208      720,029    2,834,237
69 Seminole       1,864,473   1,137,858   3,002,331            .            .    1,864,473    1,137,858    3,002,331
70 Sumter           143,019      24,664     167,683       51,983        8,755      203,757       24,664      228,420
71 Suwannee          89,902      19,349     109,251       27,627            .      117,529       19,349      136,878
72 Taylor            46,919      19,926      66,844       11,441            .       58,359       19,926       78,285
73 Union             13,770       3,680      17,449       14,625        6,255       34,650        3,680       38,329
74 Volusia        1,649,565   1,691,305   3,340,870            .            .    1,649,565    1,691,305    3,340,870
75 Wakulla           47,125       1,433      48,558       31,732            .       78,857        1,433       80,290
76 Walton           233,131      41,435     274,566            .            .      233,131       41,435      274,566
77 Washington        42,886      11,980      54,866       26,935            .       69,821       11,980       81,801
   STATE TOTAL   77,953,948  39,016,868 116,970,816      676,508       49,413   78,679,869   39,016,868  117,696,737

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