VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: FEBRUARY,  2002                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: April 11, 2002

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                          (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH INDICATED)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          805,798     507,151   1,312,949            .            .      805,798      507,151    1,312,949
12 Baker             46,029      12,044      58,073       31,603        2,677       80,309       12,044       92,353
13 Bay              559,537     431,860     991,398            .            .      559,537      431,860      991,398
14 Bradford          56,293      19,547      75,840       17,330        5,694       79,317       19,547       98,864
15 Brevard        1,559,538   1,181,962   2,741,500            .            .    1,559,538    1,181,962    2,741,500
16 Broward        5,187,467   7,012,548  12,200,015            .            .    5,187,467    7,012,548   12,200,015
17 Calhoun           21,186       5,859      27,045       17,639        2,166       40,992        5,859       46,851
18 Charlotte        829,978      87,376     917,354            .            .      829,978       87,376      917,354
19 Citrus           462,253      41,462     503,715            .            .      462,253       41,462      503,715
20 Clay             575,374      69,665     645,038            .            .      575,374       69,665      645,038
21 Collier        2,583,902     392,580   2,976,483            .            .    2,583,902      392,580    2,976,483
22 Columbia         228,448      44,857     273,306            .            .      228,448       44,857      273,306
23 Dade           8,946,577   5,070,201  14,016,778            .            .    8,946,577    5,070,201   14,016,778
24 DeSoto            85,615      20,155     105,770       22,071            .      107,686       20,155      127,841
25 Dixie             21,378       3,466      24,843       21,767        1,502       44,647        3,466       48,113
26 Duval          5,621,102     318,313   5,939,416            .            .    5,621,102      318,313    5,939,416
27 Escambia       1,345,122     285,259   1,630,381            .            .    1,345,122      285,259    1,630,381
28 Flagler           95,109     105,228     200,338       77,254            .      172,363      105,228      277,592
29 Franklin          26,824      10,190      37,014            .            .       26,824       10,190       37,014
30 Gadsden           73,689      28,729     102,418       70,728            .      144,417       28,729      173,146
31 Gilchrist         17,989       3,137      21,126       26,657            .       44,646        3,137       47,783
32 Glades            12,314       2,164      14,478       22,461            .       34,774        2,164       36,938
33 Gulf              21,615      11,431      33,046       18,633        2,987       43,235       11,431       54,666
34 Hamilton          20,013       6,995      27,008       12,441        3,592       36,045        6,995       43,040
35 Hardee            20,724       8,121      28,844       33,804            .       54,527        8,121       62,648
36 Hendry           126,601      42,928     169,529       15,463            .      142,065       42,928      184,993
37 Hernando         489,171      27,792     516,963            .            .      489,171       27,792      516,963
38 Highlands        344,025      84,719     428,744            .            .      344,025       84,719      428,744
39 Hillsboroug    6,214,841   2,498,023   8,712,864            .            .    6,214,841    2,498,023    8,712,864
40 Holmes            25,666       8,841      34,507       31,673        2,051       59,390        8,841       68,231
41 Indian Rive      583,900     243,890     827,789            .            .      583,900      243,890      827,789
42 Jackson          120,291      47,346     167,637       25,266        8,055      153,612       47,346      200,958
43 Jefferson         28,239       6,326      34,565       12,969            .       41,208        6,326       47,534
44 Lafayette          6,714       1,204       7,918       11,405        1,809       19,927        1,204       21,131
45 Lake             738,830     372,071   1,110,901            .            .      738,830      372,071    1,110,901
46 Lee            2,783,207   1,453,066   4,236,273            .            .    2,783,207    1,453,066    4,236,273
47 Leon             836,165     662,770   1,498,935            .            .      836,165      662,770    1,498,935
48 Levy              83,552      23,450     107,002       24,383            .      107,935       23,450      131,385
49 Liberty            9,850       1,552      11,402       10,524        2,053       22,427        1,552       23,979
50 Madison           29,536       7,895      37,431       26,575        2,269       58,379        7,895       66,274
51 Manatee        1,343,781     408,206   1,751,987            .            .    1,343,781      408,206    1,751,987
52 Marion         1,196,611     261,450   1,458,061            .            .    1,196,611      261,450    1,458,061
53 Martin           972,939     142,828   1,115,767            .            .      972,939      142,828    1,115,767
54 Monroe           647,407     433,704   1,081,111            .            .      647,407      433,704    1,081,111
55 Nassau           192,930      51,763     244,692            .            .      192,930       51,763      244,692
56 Okaloosa         682,269     327,457   1,009,725            .            .      682,269      327,457    1,009,725
57 Okeechobee       138,417      22,856     161,273            .            .      138,417       22,856      161,273
58 Orange         8,055,730   3,067,938  11,123,668            .            .    8,055,730    3,067,938   11,123,668
59 Osceola          791,094     358,862   1,149,956            .            .      791,094      358,862    1,149,956
60 Palm Beach     5,659,795   3,733,961   9,393,756            .            .    5,659,795    3,733,961    9,393,756
61 Pasco          1,427,461     160,829   1,588,290            .            .    1,427,461      160,829    1,588,290
62 Pinellas       3,013,500   2,720,672   5,734,172            .            .    3,013,500    2,720,672    5,734,172
63 Polk           1,903,454     833,545   2,736,999            .            .    1,903,454      833,545    2,736,999
64 Putnam           173,740      39,104     212,845            .            .      173,740       39,104      212,845
65 St. Johns        678,608      97,126     775,734            .            .      678,608       97,126      775,734
66 St. Lucie        524,079     442,345     966,423            .            .      524,079      442,345      966,423
67 Santa Rosa       323,223      38,202     361,425            .            .      323,223       38,202      361,425
68 Sarasota       2,139,959     718,683   2,858,642            .            .    2,139,959      718,683    2,858,642
69 Seminole       1,630,152     995,896   2,626,049            .            .    1,630,152      995,896    2,626,049
70 Sumter           144,961      26,966     171,926       53,514        8,771      207,246       26,966      234,212
71 Suwannee          87,142      19,267     106,409       27,045            .      114,187       19,267      133,454
72 Taylor            43,241      18,508      61,750            .            .       43,241       18,508       61,750
73 Union             15,451       4,097      19,548       15,153        5,786       36,389        4,097       40,486
74 Volusia          673,316     688,893   1,362,209            .            .      673,316      688,893    1,362,209
75 Wakulla           42,552       1,361      43,914       32,716            .       75,268        1,361       76,630
76 Walton           211,119      39,726     250,845            .            .      211,119       39,726      250,845
77 Washington        37,648      10,769      48,417       27,209            .       64,857       10,769       75,626
   STATE TOTAL   74,395,038  36,827,184 111,222,222      686,281       49,413   75,130,733   36,827,184  111,957,917

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