VALIDATED TAX RECEIPTS DATA FOR: FEBRUARY,  2000                                                         FORM-5A
REPORT DATE: May 19, 2000

                                         DOR DISTRIBUTIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
                                              HALF-CENT SALES TAX SHARING
                                          DOR ADMINISTERED TAXES/DOR ACCOUNTS
                                            OFFICE OF RESEARCH & ANALYSIS
                                              (DISTRIBUTIONS FOR 2/2000)

                                                                                Total Distributions under Part VI
                 Half-Cent Tax Sharing Distributions  Additional Distributions              Chapter 218
----------------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ------------------------------------
                  Half-Cent   Half-Cent     Total     Emergency  Supplemental       Total        Total       Total
   COUNTY          Distrib.    Distrib.   Half-Cent    Distrib.     Distrib.       Distrib.    Distrib.     Distrib.
                  to County    to City     Distrib.    Under s.     Under s.      to County    To city     to Cities
                    Govts.       Govts.               218.65(1)     218.65(6)       Govts.      Govts.    & Counties
11 Alachua          680,068     461,741   1,141,809            .            .      680,068      461,741    1,141,809
12 Baker             38,499      10,239      48,738       24,812            .       63,311       10,239       73,550
13*Bay              499,173     370,722     869,895            .            .      499,173      370,722      869,895
14 Bradford          53,014      17,627      70,641        8,391        7,641       69,046       17,627       86,673
15*Brevard        1,318,787   1,018,736   2,337,523            .            .    1,318,787    1,018,736    2,337,523
16*Broward        4,755,463   6,294,855  11,050,318            .            .    4,755,463    6,294,855   11,050,318
17 Calhoun           19,691       5,433      25,124       15,418        2,284       37,393        5,433       42,826
18*Charlotte        730,188      72,302     802,490            .            .      730,188       72,302      802,490
19*Citrus           399,662      41,417     441,079            .            .      399,662       41,417      441,079
20*Clay             503,049      65,274     568,323            .            .      503,049       65,274      568,323
21*Collier        2,256,704     385,593   2,642,297            .            .    2,256,704      385,593    2,642,297
22 Columbia         223,495      46,626     270,121            .            .      223,495       46,626      270,121
23*Dade           8,533,455   4,897,209  13,430,664            .            .    8,533,455    4,897,209   13,430,664
24 DeSoto            83,348      22,360     105,708       11,112            .       94,460       22,360      116,820
25 Dixie             17,937       3,526      21,463       19,383            .       37,320        3,526       40,846
26*Duval          6,621,515     387,372   7,008,887            .            .    6,621,515      387,372    7,008,887
27*Escambia       1,319,477     304,200   1,623,677            .            .    1,319,477      304,200    1,623,677
28 Flagler           81,706      92,651     174,357       17,319            .       99,025       92,651      191,676
29 Franklin          21,550      10,087      31,637        6,394            .       27,944       10,087       38,031
30 Gadsden           70,315      25,573      95,888       79,221            .      149,536       25,573      175,109
31 Gilchrist         16,640       2,711      19,351       22,464            .       39,104        2,711       41,815
32 Glades            10,033       1,837      11,870       19,359        1,502       30,894        1,837       32,731
33 Gulf              18,187      10,054      28,241       17,813        2,526       38,526       10,054       48,580
34 Hamilton          26,191       8,763      34,954            .        3,235       29,426        8,763       38,189
35 Hardee            54,519      18,858      73,377       17,439            .       71,958       18,858       90,816
36 Hendry           100,378      36,638     137,016            .            .      100,378       36,638      137,016
37*Hernando         414,156      26,710     440,866            .            .      414,156       26,710      440,866
38 Highlands        290,906      72,490     363,396            .            .      290,906       72,490      363,396
39*Hillsboroug    5,329,926   2,195,402   7,525,328            .            .    5,329,926    2,195,402    7,525,328
40 Holmes            22,583       6,151      28,734       25,849            .       48,432        6,151       54,583
41 Indian Rive      538,178     219,725     757,903            .            .      538,178      219,725      757,903
42 Jackson          104,913      42,522     147,435       27,573        9,638      142,124       42,522      184,646
43 Jefferson         26,872       6,356      33,228       17,314            .       44,186        6,356       50,542
44 Lafayette          8,447       1,436       9,883       11,937        1,820       22,204        1,436       23,640
45 Lake             624,767     323,696     948,463            .            .      624,767      323,696      948,463
46*Lee            2,394,850   1,209,566   3,604,416            .            .    2,394,850    1,209,566    3,604,416
47*Leon             783,137     602,263   1,385,400            .            .      783,137      602,263    1,385,400
48 Levy              87,341      24,631     111,972       15,770            .      103,111       24,631      127,742
49 Liberty            6,379       1,209       7,588       11,301        2,566       20,246        1,209       21,455
50 Madison           25,617       7,388      33,005       28,508            .       54,125        7,388       61,513
51*Manatee        1,096,114     340,778   1,436,892            .            .    1,096,114      340,778    1,436,892
52 Marion         1,085,859     247,998   1,333,857            .            .    1,085,859      247,998    1,333,857
53 Martin           867,920     133,023   1,000,943            .            .      867,920      133,023    1,000,943
54*Monroe           640,306     437,113   1,077,419            .            .      640,306      437,113    1,077,419
55*Nassau           177,711      50,638     228,349            .            .      177,711       50,638      228,349
56*Okaloosa         657,396     314,676     972,072            .            .      657,396      314,676      972,072
57 Okeechobee       141,666      22,464     164,130            .            .      141,666       22,464      164,130
58*Orange         7,443,809   2,901,969  10,345,778            .            .    7,443,809    2,901,969   10,345,778
59*Osceola          715,507     311,959   1,027,466            .            .      715,507      311,959    1,027,466
60*Palm Beach     5,210,911   3,476,591   8,687,502            .            .    5,210,911    3,476,591    8,687,502
61 Pasco          1,179,049     130,286   1,309,335            .            .    1,179,049      130,286    1,309,335
62*Pinellas       2,867,394   2,565,202   5,432,596            .            .    2,867,394    2,565,202    5,432,596
63*Polk           1,842,256     803,842   2,646,098            .            .    1,842,256      803,842    2,646,098
64 Putnam           180,490      41,972     222,462            .            .      180,490       41,972      222,462
65*St. Johns        561,161      93,028     654,189            .            .      561,161       93,028      654,189
66*St. Lucie        445,069     370,103     815,172            .            .      445,069      370,103      815,172
67*Santa Rosa       250,722      35,580     286,302            .            .      250,722       35,580      286,302
68*Sarasota       1,873,876     607,672   2,481,548            .            .    1,873,876      607,672    2,481,548
69*Seminole       1,476,633     895,736   2,372,369            .            .    1,476,633      895,736    2,372,369
70 Sumter           114,051      25,655     139,706       44,089       10,366      168,506       25,655      194,161
71 Suwannee          88,770      20,496     109,266       20,667            .      109,437       20,496      129,933
72 Taylor            52,589      23,649      76,238            .            .       52,589       23,649       76,238
73 Union             13,462       3,842      17,304       14,333        7,836       35,631        3,842       39,473
74*Volusia        1,128,293   1,128,185   2,256,478            .            .    1,128,293    1,128,185    2,256,478
75 Wakulla           38,672       1,556      40,228       21,413            .       60,085        1,556       61,641
76*Walton           165,997      35,179     201,176            .            .      165,997       35,179      201,176
77 Washington        38,553      12,538      51,091       26,174            .       64,727       12,538       77,265
   STATE TOTAL   69,465,352  34,383,679 103,849,031      524,053       49,414   70,038,819   34,383,679  104,422,498

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